Arashi Challenge Day 08-13

May 30, 2010 10:51

Wasn't really sure how many days I'm supposed to do so I'll go check Sarah's LJ >.<

OKAY! 08-13 >.<
Haha, ALMOST a week :3

day 08 - A Sho picture you can’t take your eyes off

Okay, the pictures ones are actually really hard for me cause I don't really look for pictures other than wallpapers :S
So I went to google. Typed in 'Sakurai Sho' and shall now post the one I thought looked nicest :x

I think Sho looks pretty good in every photo he appears in so it really doesn't make a difference :3

day 09 - Favorite Arashi PV

Fiona loves truth.
Yes, I put it as my favourite song, which then makes it my favourite PV!

Once again, it's this picture :x
The combination of red and black's awesome.
And the orchestra at the back was epic.
Plus it's for Ohno's drama~! (Surprise, surprise)

day 10 - Whatever tickles your fancy

Wht's tht supposed to mean o.o
There's so many stuff in Arashi to talk about.
How can they do this to me.

This just crossed my mind so I'd post it.
They're super shocking I tell you >.<



And pandas:

It's. So. Fucking. Epic.
Sarah would love this :x

day 11 - An Arashi/Member moment that makes you laugh your ass off

There's alot really D:
But I'm gonna post this one cause it always cracks me up.
And tht's the Ohno-Nakai fights on Utaban >.<

I love it when Ohno makes snarky remarks at Nakai, he gets pissed off and they start chasing each other around the studio.
I also like how sometimes Nakai tells him how he can do a better job at it.

day 12 - Member/s wearing the Wackiest outfit you’ve ever seen

Refer to Sarah's post.
I agree with everything she says.
I mean, the feathers and nonsense normally are alrdy wacky enough.
But tht. Is. just... >.< Idontknwitlooksweirdidontlikeittheyneedtowearlongpants :x

day 13 - Favorite VS Arashi Moment

But I don't like VS Arashi >.<
Haha, fine I just dontlike it when Arashi loses.
This would be in Episode 79 when Gackt came on Ohno's birthday! :D

It's so cute how Ohno kept telling Gackt it was his birthday (hinting for him to give him his rings as a birthday present >.<)
And even more cute how Gackt eventually did give him one :3

Okay I knw the subtitles are kinda small >.<
Just get tht Ohno got a ring from Gackt as a birthday present!
So sweet :3

I'm DONE for 6 days worth >.<
:D :D :D

meme-arashi, arashi-嵐♥

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