Picture meme!

Nov 14, 2011 04:02

so I thought of this while I was scanning.
1)This meme will be with Clark/ Bruce in any form.
2) Post a random picture.
3) Post a random word
4)Post an Emotion
5) *extra* you can put another character name.
6) I will give a little story that unite 1-5.

1) Kael/ Bruce


Behold the strange story( and man, I really just could not have made it small >< it was suppose to be something simple and it turn into a story...BTW this is the first bruce/clark story I have ever writhed. so please criticize it to get better, btw I know I have bad grammar ><  ):

Ka-el has been on on earth visiting and learning the different culture that the planet has. Billionaire Bruce Wayne, heard about this strange being visiting earth and invited him to a party in japan where a new millionaire was born by the use of strange powerful creatures that captivated all the children around the world.  Kael, surprise to be invited, accepts to learn how human interact with each other in high society. Bruce Smirks, to himself when hearing that the "alien" accepted the invitation, this was his only opportunity to study an alien interacting with high society. The day came, and both Bruce and Ka-el where surprise to see how both of them look alike, from the black hair to the glorious blue eyes, one pair of eyes were the color of raging storm while the other was the color of free blue sky. Both pair of eyes were lock in a gravity pool that did not seam to stop.
"Pikkkkkapi" Came the strange sound inside, both men startle move their sight toward the main doors.

"The name is Bruce Wayne, what name should I call my mysterious guest?" said Bruce while extending his arm in greeting and showing his pearly white teeth.

Ka-el tilted his head in confusion at the extended hand and reply "Ka-el son of Jor-el and Lara Lor-Van from the planet Krypton, It’s a pleasure to meet you Bruce from the house of Wayne.” He finish saying while half bowing and putting both hand near his heart.

“oh, no! Don’t be so formal call me Bruce and you don’t really have to bow here on earth we take each other hand and shake it in greeting.” Finish saying Bruce while he laughs with his hand still extended.

Ka-el hesitates and takes Bruce’s hand. The first thing he notices is how strong and fragile Bruce’s hand feels in his own and with caution he closes his hand to his and shakes it.

“That’s more like it!” said Bruce while slapping a Startle Ka-el in the back. “Come lets go inside and show you the life of the rich and the famous, thought a word of caution female earthling will set their eyes on you like a hungry animal. Your white clothing while looks wonderful in your figure is going to be very distracting.” Bruce started to lead a very worried Ka-el, wondering if coming was a good idea. Bruce just laugh inside his mind, Ka-el is nice to tease.

Inside the room all is decorated with colorful creatures and a Japanese man talks about how his idea came to being. A yellow creature mascot is going around saying a strange language with just the letters “p,i,k,ch,u,and a” (lol, I just notice I spell Pikachu Xd.) true all this ka-el look in wonder and confusion, using his X-ray vision he sees that the strange creature is just a human inside a costume. “Strange “he thinks. Bruce finally stops and let go of Ka-el hand immediately both had a sense of lost. Ka-el frown at this strange feeling while Bruce just shrugged off.

“Here, drink this, its called The Domaine Romanée-Conti, its one of the most rarefied and expensive wine in the world, with vintages that need decades to mature. So how are you finding earth cultures?” Bruce said while giving Ka-el the drink.

Ka-el takes the drink and taste it, he wince at the strong taste but hides it quickly. “ I find myself confuse most of the time Bruce of the H..o… I mean Bruce. Human are so different and sometimes barbaric, but at the same time sweet and pure like a babe. Your people get half naked together and swim at your ocean shore, that’s perplexing, only your mate to be should see you like that. Then People wear strange costumes and say weird words, like that yellow human costume…”

Bruce let out pearls of laughter. “Ka-el how Pure you are” said Bruce in his mind. Before Bruce could say something, a Creepy laugh came out of the Pikachu mascot. Everyone startle watch how the costume was disrobed and a hunch, skinny, clown reject got out and set a huge smile in his face. Another clown appear but this one was a woman and it had a jester costume, both clown got together and started to speak:

“Prepare for trouble!” said the Jester woman with a grin.

“Make it double!” said the clown while the crowd of people look on perplex.

“To protect the world from dullness!” Said the Jester woman taking out a hammer.

“To unite all psychopath within our nation!” Said the Clown with a stravagant laugh.
 “To denounce the evils of truth and love!” Said the Jester woman with a twirl and swoon at the word love.

“To extend our reach to the Hells Below!” Said the Joker while showing a set of cards in his hand.  Bruce by this point was slowly going out the window of the party while Ka-el just look on with confusion and fascination displaying in his face.

“Harley Quinn” Shouted the jester woman, called Harley while pounding the floor with her hammer and making a dent appear. Security personnel started to become suspicious.

“Joker” Said the clown called Joker with a psychopathic laughter that made Harley swoon in happiness.

“Team Joker, robing at the speed of laughter!” said Harley while taking a bag and gang of goons appear with guns starting to steal from the people at the party, people Ka-el and the people of the party came to the sudden realization that the people were not a show of the party.

“Surrender now your valuables, or prepare to fight!” said the Joker while throwing the joker card to the newly millioner pinning him to the stage, people cry out in fear.

“Yeah! That’s right! You know Love we should do mottos more often” said Harley while taking jewelry from the woman in the party, some were crying in fear. Ka-el seeing this started to step up but a crash came and a strange monster-like costume of a man appears and people cry out  “Batman!” in joy. Thru out all of this, Ka-el decides that humans are incomprehensible.

“The main guest appears! Oh Bat, I got a present for you.” Said the Joker with a grin while throwing a whoopee cushion to the floor. Immediately a black gas appear covering the Room, making everything be cover in darkness until Ka-el decided to blow the gas out of the room. The batman, Joker and Harley are gone and people suddenly started to hug each other and some started kissing each other. Ka-el was at lost to what to do, people were drug and Bruce was nowhere to be seen, he thought worryingly. He also started to feel some dizziness. Suddenly police sirens and red light could be heard and seen true out the window.  Police started to appear into the party while Ka-el thinks he would never go to any human party again. With the police Bruce appears and goes toward Ka-el.

“kal! Are you ok?” said Bruce worryingly.

Ka-el looks at him for a moment and suddenly he starts hugging Bruce while moving his head toward Bruce’s neck and nodding like a cat. “ I think I started to like humans a little …they are strange creatures.” Ka-el finish with a lick to Bruce neck and everything went black.

When Ka-el woke up he was in a room with Bruce sleeping at his bedside in a chair. The moonlight from the window bathe Bruce’s hair in blues and silver reminding Ka-el of the beauty of his world. With a smile Ka-el Pets the surprising soft hair and thinks, that maybe he would be visiting this word often to learn more.
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