Apr 27, 2008 20:45
Lulu: [Impostor who stole Nunnally's place, I'll use you all up, and like a ragged dustcloth, I'll throw you away.]
If there were any lines that stick with you after watching this episode, it has got to be these two lines said about Rollo!
Ok, I was expecting this. And I knew Lulu was mean. But to go far as to say this...T___T
Lulu you truly are beyond evil.
So I found out my guess was right about Rollo switching sides. And I knew Lulu is a great actor and all. But of course nothing could prepare me for how this episode would end. Somehow, I really care for Rollo the cold assassin. So when he said all those sweet things to Rollo, I couldn't help but wanna believe his words were true. And then of course, harsh reality set in and Lulu crushed all those hopes.T__T Poor Rollo.Oh Lulu you lovable evil genius you.
Well, even if it IS fake, I'll still get to see the kyoudai-ai between the two.^o^ Man, I wanna buy some anime magazines for the Lulu x Rollo covers. So cute!
The end of this episode, had Suzaku appearing at the school!! Talk about exciting!! Oh the suspense!!
So next episode, more school life! Yay! And finally Suzaku and Lulu reunite....confront!!! What about Suzaku and their relationship is Lulu supposed to know!?! Suzaku or Lulu, who's the better actor?? 気になる!!!And what is up with Rollo and the knife? Is he still having doubts about Lulu? He'll be the insecure little brotherってことか???
code geass r2,
code geass