Dec 09, 2007 23:02
Ugly Betty 10 "Bananas for Betty"
Today, I watched the latest episode of Ugly Betty. It was hilarious.
Betty White was a great guest. I totally knew it was her the minute I heard her voice!
But wow, Willie's new plan...I totally don't approve of. Yuck!
And this episode, was the first time I actually thought that Gio might actually be cooler than Henry.
I mean wow....I can understand if Betty has trouble deciding between the two. I guess Gio will be the backup boy when Henry finally has to leave???
Anyhow, this ep. made me wanna go out on a paintball outing!! Sadly, I've never been despite having a lot of chances to in the past.><
One of my fave quotes from the paintball scenes was this: "I just wanna say we are all brothas in this, even the girls."<--Haha, this was said by Kenny. He's always saying funny things like this.
The Hitsuji Oyasumi Series
Wow, just realized the CD with Wakamoto Norio is out now. I find that really funny. I bet it'll be really easy to fall asleep to his voice. I can already imagine what his counting would sound like now and in slow motion, too.^o^
ugly betty,