Code Geass 18: What an episode it was!!

Feb 23, 2007 20:29

Hot diggity damn! All heck is breaking loose on Code Geass!  What a way to keep us viewers on the edge of our seats with the suspenseful ending there.
First of all, I have to say...thank goodness Lulu was at the party in time to stop Kallen from  doing something stupid.  I would've been pissed if Suzaku got injured because of her.  Well in a non-fighting scene setting anyway.

Second, the Pizza Hut pizza at the party made me want pizza:p.
Second, Lulu's older bro is HOT.  But as I said before all of his siblings are beautiful.  I still think they get their good looks from their moms.
Third, man what a predicament Lulu and  Suzaku are in!!  What the freak's gonna happen!!!  AHHHHHH! I can't wait for 19!!

And did you hear Lulu in the preview?  Oh my gosh, Lulu!!  What are you gonna do to Suzaku?!

Code Geass 19: 神の島 God's Island preview

With my Geass' power to command
Noone can disobey me.
And the people that I've commanded, Your morals, your ideas!
Your mind will be crushed
After knowing all of that...I...Suzaku...

fukujun, code geass, fukuyama jun

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