Another Great Weekend Gone

Apr 30, 2007 09:54

    I get so busy on the weekends that I never have time to post till Monday, sometimes even Tuesday. Not that I am complaining though. I feel like I should be doing this regularly here LIke "My Weekend Update Summery" So I think I will do that from now on and then I won't need an intro every time.

Friday: No appointment this time since I have so many coming up. Mitsuki wanted to make sure that Sage was ok before she left so she arrived a little after 1100. I was greatful for that because I was tired and wanted more sleep. Even the Gnome didn't wake up till 1100. We gathered the diaper bag and headed out to lunch at Perkins. It was a possibly another first for Mitsuki. She didn't remember eating there before. That is not unusual for her, I introduced her to a lot of resturants over the past three years. We had cheeseburgers and a club sandwich and pie. I think we over did it on the pie though. We both had tummy aches after that. then we went to Wal=mart to get Gaerfie's persciptions and an air freshener for Sages car(it really stinks). After we picked up Gaerfie and stopped at Marshalls to look at clothes. I convinced Mitsuki to buy a cute yellow shirt with cherries on it. It really hugged her in all the right spots. I will try to get a pic of her in it. We left to cross the bridge. We got to Sages house and he gave me a cake that he claimed Mitsuki bought, but she already told me that he made the choice to buy it. He can never admit to me when he is being nice. Oh well. We picked up C4 and left for our house again.
    Centur and J. arrived shortly after we got home. We introduced the boys and they melded together right away. We wasted a bit of time trying to find my dice case and then gave up. We started making characters and I explained the game to J. Time flies when your having fun and before we knew it J. had to go home. He promised to see C4 tomorrow though. We let C4 go on the computer and started characters for the advanced campaign. The Nega-Snorb arrived with his girlfriend K. We all had Chicken Caccatori with pasta for dinner*Side story-I had Mitsuki pick out the pasta we ate for dinner. She looked at all the pasta and saw this. Since I have helped to corrupt Mitsuki's mind over these past years she took one look at it and said, "I want "Whoo Ha" pasta."
    I took one look at the pasta and cracked up. We told the rest of the crew and they laughed too. After that the jokes came like a raging river. They were endless. When we sat down to eat Mitsuki announced that now they can say that they have all eaten my "whoo ha". We all lost it again. I thought we were all going to spew.* Gaerfie just started taking a new med and it knocked him out cold. Slowly everyone started to crash and left one by one. N-Snorb and K. were the last to go, before that we had a scare with the Gnome. He banged his mouth and started to bleed! Blood was everywhere even on me! We calmed him down and myself and said good night. Enough drama for one day.
    Saturday:I had to go to work at 2pm which means that I catch a 12pm bus. C4 begged me to go in later so I called and they said ok. Just as the time hit where I would have left, J. came over and uttered the words I have longed to hear for so long, "Hi, can C4 come out to play?"
    Music to my Mommy ears. So I spent the rest of the time with Gaerfie and the Gnome. I went to work at 5pm and had a normal day. I came home and ...
     I don't know what was up with me, but I was all over Gaerfie. I begged him for his cock and thought I was going to suck it clean off him! He said thank you by having a large piece of pie which he took his time with. I practically pulled him on top of me and slammed him inside. We stayed like that for a good 15 min. and then I begged for more cock. he rolled onto his back and I ravaged him like I never have before. I swear baby hormones are a trip! I jumped on top and almost climaxed immediatly. Then we ended about half and hour later with a very satisfied me drooling with my face in the pillow and my ass in the air. When I became concsious again I crawled into his arms and we snuggled while purring.
    Sunday: After a night of bedroom calistenics I was exausted, but managed to get dressed, breakfast , and lunch ready for work. I was somehow out the door on time. Work was slow, but fun. When I got home I did a reading for a work collegue and then Kitty and Centur came over. We watched Chobits and then had dinner made by Gaerfie, with some of C4's new friends. C4 had an incident where another kid kicked him amd Gaerfie did the fatherly thing and tlaked to him and told him he was good not to fight back and to tell us if it happened again and avoid the child. I was proud of bot of them. later Gaerfie did a mature thing and spoke to me about his feelings so it didn't escalate to the point of last week. I was greatful and proud of him for that too. After dinner we all retired to the bedroom and worked on Kitty's D&D character. Then she had to go to work, Centur and I stayed in the bedroom while Gaerfie walked her out. I did Centur's reading and then we all hung out on the bed and gabbed like a couple of teenagers. Gaerfie was even kind enough to try and fix Centur's ankle by masseging it. He is so sweet. Then he saw Centur to the door too. Gaerfie and I lay in bed and teased each other verbally. It was clear though that we were both tired. We curled up in each others arms and snuggled till we fell asleep.
    This morning Gaerfie reminded me that we have an appointment for couples counsling. I tried to get Sage to go to counsling for years and he said we didn't need it. One bad fight and were there. This man really wants this relationship/marrige to work for us. I am crying thinking of it right now. More later.

son, friends, soulmate, dreams, gaming, appointments, baby, jobs

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