Fun Day ,Rough Night, Gooood Morning!

Apr 14, 2007 12:51

    So yesterday Mitsuki-chan and I went to the local mall and hung out. It was really hard for me because I hav no money right now. Unfortunatly I broke down in the Disney Store and bought a hat for the Gnome that was 50% off and another elephant for the collection. We will get a counter for it soon. Then we stopped in a small boutique that usually i get sick in(they are kept too warm for me and stuffy)and bought a cute skirt for Mitsuki-chan which I can't wait to see her in. We bought headbands(damn you Paris Hilton!)and she bought me a cute shirt that will let accomedate my expanding tummy in the next few months. We had lunch and fed the Gnome and then went an d drooled over Hentai at FYE. We don't buy it there though, just write down intresting titles and purchase them on-line.

    We spent a few minuets hissing at the Build A Bear Workshop(it's scary and wrong I say!)then popped into Target for an impotant "test" purchase. We stared at the scary clothes which seem to be geared toward everyone getting or looking pregnant(I hate clothes shopping because I am fat and ugly)this year, even kids fashions gross! We finally stopped in Hot Topic and bought hand wraps and Mitsuki-chan added to her growing penguin collection(don't say Mumbles around her). She showed me a shirt my Ex Sage wants to buy her that has a whale eating a penguin which is cruel so I bought Mitsuki-chan some gummy penguins and told her to take a
picture of him holding it over his mouth and eating it. She laughed at that. We rounded out our day with italian ice of which the Gnome bogarted most of Mitsuki's(she had lemon and I had passion fruit/pina colada). Then we headed home.
    We dropped the Gnome off with Gaerfie and headed to hers and Sages place to pick up C4. When we arrived Sage was being silly as usual. He acts like that when I am around and feels he has to be a jerk, This pissed of Mitsuki who started to play beat him up. After I was invited to dinner, we had chinese and ice cream. Sage wrote the note I needed to get my medical insurance back and then Mitsuki, C4, and I headed back to my house.
    Mitsuki gifted Gaerfie with a mug that I wouldn't buy for my self. It says, "Sexy Women Have Messy Kitchens". He laughed and hugged her and then me tightly. I asked him to walk her out because she is cute and good looking and I don't live in a super safe place sometimes. I helped C4 get ready for bed and put down the Gnome. I put an exausted Gaerfie down and them sat down at the computer to do a short post. I ended up having tummy pains and not getting to bed till 0400. That sucked because I slept till almost 1100 today. Gaerfie came in and helped me to wake up *wink wink*

He lay down next to me and began rubbing my legs working his way up to my breasts. He kissed me passionately and ripped the covers away. He pounced on me and drove in hard. When the bells on my ankle started ringing, it set off a look in his eyes and he gave me a barbaric smile. He pinned my legs down and pressed his body tightly to mine. He moved slowly and delibrately to drive me crazy. Then he rolled me on my side and site and sucked my lower leg and ankle as he continued to assault my body with his hands and hard cock. Finally I ended up on my knees at my pitiful request and he drove my face into the pillow. As I clawed at the sheets he emptied himself into me and collapsed backwards dizzy. I tried to move, but the impending orgasm kept me ridged and dripping on th sheets. When I finally could I fell backwards and Gaerfie caught me in his arms and held me till my dizziness surpassed. It was indeed a good way to wake up. but not to gain leg movement.*grin*

soulmate, son, adult contents, friends, baby

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