An Up And Down Day

Oct 03, 2009 00:34


Wow that title sums it all up. The morning started out really crappy. I had to deal with social services and the Neurologist not calling me back after the third time! Then I was waiting for the dreaded call from Mitsuki telling me she was going to cancel again. She hasn't been herself lately and has put herself under emotional house arrest. I don't blame her for it, but still get hurt and disappointed either way. it's at moment like this that I love and worry for her the most. Mitsuki called at 1115. I took a deep breath and picked it up praying it wasn't Sage's voice I heard. it was Mitsuki! She asked if I still wanted her to come down? DUH! I have only been waiting to see her for two weeks now! She is silly. I am chipper till she drops the bomb...

She has to be home by 1700. Huh, why? Sage decided to have another game session tonight. WTF? We have this planned since two weeks ago and he pulls this shit? I was upset, but i wasn't going to take it out on Mitsuki. we hung up and I went back to dealing with goverment shit. I finally got a hold of my Food stamps supervisor, which changed again, and asked why I didn't get the re-certification call yet, when it was schedualed for the 28th? She had just taken over the case load and couldn't find my paperwork. Shit! Oh wait I don't mail it, i hand it in directly. She asked if anything changed and I said aside from the fact that i won't be getting unemployment after Nov 1st. she asked why I can't try for the extended and I told her about Gaerfie. Hse felt bad, but understood. She asked me to send her the letter when it arrives and it will change my food stamps and make them higher. At least that's went well.

Mitsuki arrived and worried i was not dressed because I was depressed. She also though i was listening to my angry music. While I was upset earlier, by the time she got there I was coming down and happy about the food stamps. I got dressed and we headed to the bank to get moneys and then to the costume store. At first I was bummed, they didn't seem to have any plus sized costumes. They had lots for Mitsuki, but she said she wouldn't try any on unless i did. As we searched we found a few, but nothing great until we moved into the sexy costumes and to my surprise they had plus sizes! Now we were getting somewhere and when we were done we had 16 a piece to try on! I always ask the workers if ting the pictures is alright and they usually agree. I'm sorry, I digress...We have a tradition to try on costumes and take pictures each year. We know we can't afford the costumes, but it's nice to dream. We got through five of them before the workers came over curious. They started to help us and give us compliments. I was really self-conscious in mine, because I have a fat ass and I lift everything up five inches higher! All the costumes Mitsuki picked out for me had cute little skirts! I was flushed! We tried ona few silly costumes too. I put on a penguin for her and she put on a Sponge Bob costume(not like you'll see). I put her in some really sexy outfits, that made my temp. rise just a it getting hot in here? By 1545 the store started to fill up and we didn't want to take up the dressing room any longer(they only have two and we were sharing). We still had six more to go, so we took a picture to remember and put them back. There was a worker there who did a great MJ impression and had the jacket and the hair. He put on a scary mask and struck a pose for me. He even did a great moon walk. but wasn't able to see the tree behind him and wham! I felt bad, but he laughed and said it was all good. We left for lunch.

We had lunch at a Chinese Buffet that Mitsuki had never tried. She went straight for the garlic bread and I just hung my head and laughed. I don't understand how you eat American food at a Chinese Buffet! Oh well the food was awesome and I ate ravanously! While I was getting another helping, Mitsuki decided to call Sage and say she would be home later. I am glad she was having so much fun, that she wanted to stay longer. It also made we feel wanted and worth something. After lunch we went to the Dollar store and bought a few things. Mitsuki asked me about my birthday and I said honestly i have no idea what's going on at all. She wanted to have a party for me, but she knows Sage would NEVER allow it! After that Dollar store we went and checked out a bigger one where i went nuts and walked out with a $47 receipt! I just spent the fucking rent money~!

For a favor at the costume shop Misuki offered to buy me ice cream. We had Pumpkin Pie Blizzards at Dairy Queen! I haven't had a blizzard since The Gnome was in utero! It tasted sooooo good! We headed home after that, because it was getting late and Mitsuki wanted to be home around 1900. My Mom was outside when we got home and asked about money right away. I didn't want to get Mitsuki involved, so i blew my Mom off with a lie, which Mitsuki didn't approve of. Well Mitsuki, you will be happy to know after you left I talked with my Mom amd told her the truth and she was OK with it...well not OK, but she understood and I gave her socks!

Speaking of socks, I bought the kids Halloween socks and when Katydid saw hers she wanted to wear them all and did, three pairs! Then she wanted to put on her cape and hat and finally her whole outfit! I was beating myself up that I left my Camera in the Mistresses car last night, perfect pic opportunity down the drain. Oh well, i'll try again another time. Night all.

The Pin Says "World Best Cherry Pie Eater">

Portrait Of Sage In A Penguin Suit

Tweenagers Wet Dream

Happy Feet!

Um, That's What Patrick Does

Beer Garden Babe

Secret Service

Best Costume For Me And Natural Too!

All I Can Say Is Yum!

My Uniform In Hell!

Southern Belle

Robyn In Da Hood

Robyn In Da Hood XXL

A Couple Of Theives

MJ Lives....Well Sort Of

Watch Out For That Tree!

daughter, fun, love, costumes, halloween, date, girlfriend

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