Getting House Ready

Sep 16, 2009 12:15

Sorry I haven't done a real post in a few days. Nothing really happened here accept me recovering from all the cleaning i did. Gaerfie is starting to have seizures regularly now. I am trying to make an appointment for him with his Neuro.

On a lighter note we have a play date today... well I hope we do. findingjes and her family are suppose to come over for dinner tonight. I am making Mozzarella stuffed meatballs, spagetti, garlic bread, and salad. I will have the recipes for you all on kitchen_witchy1 later on. FJ is making or bringing dessert in the form of chocolate so my craving will finally be sedated. The Gnome and katydid are so excited. I told them I would set up a big train track in their room when Lee gets here. I'm sure Gaerfie and thatguyjohnny will be talking up a storm. Gaerfie doesn't really have any guy friends that he can relate to about his kids. I can't wait to show FJ the Labrynith. It's so much fun seeing the eye light up when they discover rooms.

Mitsuki can't come over today as she is doing college stuff with Sage, but I will hang out with her on Friday I hope. *crosses fingers*

Speaking of Sage, he is as stubborn as his sign Aries. I saw a commercial for The Lap Band. It;s a new weight loss procedure that requires no hospital stay, no major surgery, and has little to no risk. It can also help control his Type II diabetes. You'd think he would be excited about this, but no he just walked away. Mitsuki says he is scared, but i am more scared he is not going to make it to 36! Last I heard he was 370! I am so afraid Mitsuki is going to wake up one morning to find that sage had a heart attack in bed! C4 doesn't need to lose his father so young like I did, especially when it can be prevented. Mitsuki and Sage deserve a chance at a life together and a chance to have a child. I know in my heart that if he loses the weight he WILL be able to conceive a child with Mitsuki! Plus I don't want to go through crap at the funeral with his family. For those of you who are new, i am still legally married to Sage. Both Gaerfie and Mitsuki don't care. They know we just don't have the money for a divorce. if Sage passes away now I will be responsible for his funeral arrangement. I will receive the flag from his Air force time. I worry what will happen to Mitsuki and I don't want to fight over C4 with Sage's Mom(he put her in charge of the money to care for C4). I really don't need that extra stress and neither does anyone else. Most importantly I will be losing a good friend. Sage means a lot to me. In a way I will always love him. Gaerfie knows and is actually proud of the fact. When the chips are down sage comes through as a true friend. He makes me laugh and I am proud to say I was his wife. I did a lot of fucked up things in the marriage including cheating. I had my reasons at the time, but i was young and stupid and didn't understand life. That's not much of an excuse, but still it's true. If Sage dies I think I will fall apart more then anyone else. He means the world to me. We were lousy husband and wife, but good friends forever, not including we have a child. I need to stop now, because I am going to cry...too late.

soulmate, kids, friends, worry, playdate

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