He's All Mine!

Sep 09, 2009 08:51

After my last post I was looking for Mitsuki on MSN and ran into Findingjes instead. We talked for a bit and in the end i felt better. Gaerfie came in during the conversation and apologized for being sensitive. Needless to say we had a GREAT night and I hit note i didn't think existed!

Ok enough about that. Today my Son C4 started his first day of 9th grade. He's in a new school and has a chance to make things better. I hope he uses it. I am going to try and help get some of the school supplies for him this year. I always feel bed that Sage has to pay for it all.

Grandma will be picking up the kids and Gaerfie this afternoon. They are going with her to school to help her with her clinical teaching. She teaches Pediatric Nursing at Mt. St. Mary's College. The kids are a great way to show the nurses what to expect of small children and how to treat and react around them. Last year The Gnome really messed with them as he is so advanced they thought he was three last year. It makes me so proud that our children are so helpful.

I have so much to do in the house and am looking forward to it being empty so I can complete my mission. Plus I get the TV all to myself. Two whole days of no Little Bear and max and Ruby, Ahhh.

findingjes was telling me last night that i should set up a food blog. She says I make such good meals that I should have a place to describe them and then link to the recipe if one exists. So I took up her offer and created kitchen_witchy1. I encourage all my friends who love to cook to become members and blog about thoer great recipes and short cuts for cooking. It should be fun and educational!

I think that's it for now. I will check back later on. Bye!

soulmate, son, kids, friends, love, food, school

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