Back From Camping And Sore!

Sep 07, 2009 13:11

Before I get into the camping trip I want to mention the fun i had with Mitsuki and C4 on Friday. We went and saw Ice Age III. It was playing at the $2 cinemas. It was really cute and i so want a baby tyranosaurus and the baby mammoth now! We did some Halloween shopping at the dollar staores, but it was slim pickings. Either they haven't put out the stuff yet(why I don't know, they had Christmas crap out already)or they are dumbing down the holiday, which would make me sad. I did get a few cute things though. When I decorate the house this week i will take pics. We had linner(lunch and dinner)at Friendlies. Then we went to Michels where I went overboard again with my crafts, but Mitsuki is going to have a great Christmas! Speaking of Mitsuki, she had a bit of a breakdown at the store. I put my arms around her and said Mine like I usually do, but this time she turned to me and said, "Why would you want something so defective?" She started to cry and I pulled her into an aisle and held her. I told her she was not defective, just depressed and having a harder time then usual getting out of it. I told her that I would always love her and that I am here for her. Also that my life would be missing something if she went away and that if things didn't work out with Sage I would still be there for her. That made her cry more, but tears of joy this time. C4 tried to cheer her up to, by being his usual silly self. I am greatful to my Son for excepting my relationship with Mitsuki and knowing she means a lot to me. He is a really god kid and acts pretty mature about this for his age. We stopped into Borders after that, where I found a new Book Of Shadows. I haven't made one in a few years and I feel good about this year. When we got home I gave Mitsuki the prize i won for her at the fair and she named it Moysha. I hugged and kissed her and C4 good bye and settled in for the night.

Saturday Gaerfie decided to stay home to do clothing and I went with Katydid(it was Poppy's weekend) to Grandma's. I did laundry and talked with Grandma for a bit. I made Mac and cheese with sauteed shrimp for lunch and we had Veggie pizza for dinner. Around 1900 The Mistress and Gaerfie showed up to pick us up for the camping trip. We stopped at Wally World for a few extras and then we were off. It was like 2130 when we got to the site. Finding a place was hard, and the only one was down a steep natural walk way. Gaerfie forgot to bring my sneakers so I had open toed platform heels on. I felt like Carrie Bradshaw went she went with Adien to the woods and hated it. it was rough getting down, but i made it. I watched the kids while The Mistress(she had her oldest Son (6 yrs) with her)and Gaerfie shlepped back and forth to the car for stuff. We got the fire going, but dinner wasn't ready till 0100! Katydid was bouncing off the walls with excitement and wouldn't sleep. It was 0200 when I finally got her down. We piled into the tent and tried to sleep, bu the ground was cold and I lost the bottom sleeping bag so I was freezing and sleeping on a root all night.

I woke up at 0645 and had to pee. I headed up the walkway not realizing how steep it actually was. I was moving briskly, because I really had to go and I started to lose my breath! By the time I reached the top, I could hardly breathe at all! I sat down on a rock till I was breathing properly again. That really scared me and showed me just how much I am out of shape, let alone over weight. After wards I decided to take a walk to get my blood flowing properly. It was really pretty till I noticed the camp site we had was illegal! See they rotate campsites each year to give the forest a chance to regrow a bit. They had closed this area for that. I didn't feel so bad, when I saw that everyone else was illegal too. I continued my walk and saw all the trash stupid drunk people left behind. It was sad that Mother nature has to put up with these stupid shit heads! I headed back to find Katydid awake and shoving her face into the screen saying,"Hi!" over and over again. That woke everyone else up. We had breakfast, but I decided to get more sleep now that the tent was free.

At 1000 I was woken up rudely by Gaerfie. He was upset, because a Park Ranger came and ticked everyone to the illegal sites. He tried to explain that we got here really late and that we were leaving anyway, but still got a ticket that could be from $0-$250! The Mistress said she would pay it , but it still upset Gaerfie a lot. He apologized to me and I forgave him. We brought Katydid up to the car and I sat with her, while they packed up the stuff again. Then we went on a hike. After we looked for an area to have lunch at and found a legal camping site this time. We had burgers and discussed spending another night. We were just about to pitch the tent again, when The Mistress got a call from home saying she was needed. That changed everything. We had such a nice fire going too. We offered the guy next door, who was waiting for his girlfriend to take it over, which he gladly did. Gaerfie talked to him for a bit while we finished packing up again. When the girlfriend got there she asked if we could wait a bit longer till they got back from town(we were a few miles from New Paltz)with groceries. We agreed and they lent us their chairs and fire wood. Gaerfie and The Mistress built a nice fire for when they got back and the kids ran around collecting rocks and pine cones. We came back to our house after stopping for dinner supplies and I made Loco Dinner(Sloppy Joanne with taco mix instead). It was good, but the kids were too exhausted to eat. Gaerfie helped unload the car and we said good bye, but not before agreeing we will do this again next year. It was really fun!

This morning as I expected my body is punishing me. I am so sore from camping and using muscles long forgotten. I slept till 1100 and then dragged my ass out of bed just to have my back kink up badly. After I finish here I am heading back to bed to recoup so I can make dinner. We are having Stuffed Cornish Game Hens. Tomorrow or Weds. The Mistress is taking me shopping for food. Hopefully I will be on again later. Bye for now and enjoy the pics! *ow ow ow ow*

P.S.-My batteries were running out so I just took the pics and turned the camera off right away. I realize now that if I had reviewed them I would have seen the no camping signs. Ooops. Also in one of the pics I captured faeries! I looked through them all and only in that pic they are there, Awesome huh?!

Trying To Start The Fire

I'm Making The Beds...Sort Of

Daddy And Katydid Talking And Faeries All Around!

Katyfdid Drinks Milk

Gaerfie Being Silly

Gaerfie Cooking Dinner

Our Tent

Don't I Look Appropeately Dressed

Katydid Has A Seat

New Legal Campsite

Katydid Up To Mischief

New And Improved Fire!

Looking For Pine Cones

Nap Time For Gaerfie

The Mistress takes Over The Fire

Wake Up Daddy, Have A Drink

Posing With Fire

Snack Time!

Wishing The Gnome Was Here

Myspace Countdowns, Nature Countdowns at

son, sore, family, friends, fun, love, girlfriend, camping

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