The Center Of Attention

Aug 14, 2009 23:05

As I said in my last post things got messed up and everyone had to arrive for game at a different time. Bubbie and Commander J. got there early so we were able to pass the time playing Chaos Isle. Bubbie won the first game and C4 won the second. While we were in the middle of the second Kitty came waltzing in. Sh had a bunch of boxes and was packing things up, while muttering under her breath the whole time. It was just childish. She tried to ruin everyone's fun, by interuppting the game. I made everyone Bacon and Apricot Marmalade Sandwiches. They were awesome! I was even nice and gave her one too. She sat and brooded in the livingroom writing crap down in a book. Then when I wanted to get ready for game she cam to the table and started showing everyone stupid pictures of her cats totally distracting the group. The she starts to read poetry she wrote to Bubbie, when she was suppose to be helping get the table ready too. Mitsuki arrived and I gave her a big hug. She looked really sad and said nothing went right today for her. I hugged her and said we will make it up. I charged the group with getting the table ready and took Mitsuki upstairs to show her how i ruined the lovely design she had on my profile. She said she could fix it...I hope so.

When we came downstairs nothing was done! Kitty was still reading her poetry to Bubbie and I was pissed! I didn't yell i just said everyone get your stuff off the table nicely and placed the map down. As everyone was pulling out their characters Kitty started complaining that she didn't like her character and wanted to use the one she had in Frobes game. I would have gladly killed her charcter if it wouldn't look bad. Then she started to make Gaerfie feel bad mentioning all the things she was doing with his best friend. It wasn't right! Game went on, but Kitty kept interuppting with side conversations and over the table talk. She even made a comment about a character on the show "True Blood" that I guess I reminded her of, but she did it really sneaky and it sounded very petty. I continued to try and keep a rein on the group and she continued trying to be the center of attention. Several times she yawned and layed her head down! I am sorry, but that is rude! If she was tired, she should have bowed out of the game and let the other enjoy it!

Meanwhile poor Gaerfie didn't even get to play as he started having seizures. It's because he stayed up late last night. Mad Lab Rabbit J. helped me get him on the floor and give him his meds. He was upset he couldn't play. I said your health is more important. The Professor showed up around 1645. It was nice to have him play early for once. Again Kitty tried to take up the floor. I was getting sick of it, and could not concentrate on the plot I prepared for today. Not to mention she got Bubbie to start yawning. I was really good at holding my anger in i must say.

Around 1815 Mad Lab Rabbit J. had to leave. Mitsuki and I went drop him off. I asked The Professor to come with so we could discuss plans for Sundays trip to the Ren Faire. The journey was fairly quick, but when I got back I could see the damage was done. I made the mistake of leaving Kitty alone with Bubbie and now she seemed pissed at me too. Everyone started complaining about food I was just about to go in and start dinner, when Bubbie announced she was tired and wanted to go home. Mitsuki was really hungry, but she had to take her home so she was ready to give up food. I said that was silly, Kitty goes right by her house and should offer to drop them off. She just wants to be a selfish bitch and horde the car full of her shit! When I had a car I NEVER said no to ANYONE who needed a ride! Look at The Professor. For two weeks in a row he went out of his way to bring Bubbie home! It is an extra hour trip for him abnd he didn't even ask for gas money! Now that's a gentleman and a true friend. Kitty wouldn't know what it's like to be a true friend. To sacrifice like that! Yes I know she helped me when the Gnome went to the hospital, but I don't count emergencys where you would have to be a true bastard not to care! Mitsuki plucked up the courage to ask Kitty to take them home and after moaning about it she agreed. Once she was gone the mood lifted totally.

We went back inside and found Gaerfie upright. We sat and played "Dirty Minds" and each won a round. Then we ate dinner which was my apparently famous "Sloppy Joanne" and talked for a bit. It was nice a relaxing. We even agreed that we would take $20 in the fall and go on a Dollar Store Halloween shopping spree. If I still had a car, I would take Bubbie with me in a heart beat. It really makes it rough to see her now. At least she can hop a train and hang out early on game day. I am greatful for that. Ok to close I have a few pics of the Chaos Isle game and Dirty Minds. Night all.

C4 Being Attacked By Five Zombies!

I Only Have 3 Life Pts. Left!

BUbbie and Commander J. Watch The carnage.

Yes! I Beat Them All!

Mitsuki Chooses A Question From The Book.

Gaerfie Is Stumped, While Katydid Eats Edemame

Cleavage Shot! Just Kidding Misuki. I Love You!

Myspace Countdowns, Gemstones Countdowns at

soulmate, friends, betrayal, love, games, anger, girlfriend

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