Dec 23, 2005 20:31
Triathlons in crew = uberpain BUT uberweightloss too.
It started off with erging.
welcome to BLISTA CENTRAAAAAL >< i have like 5 new ones and the beginnings of another. therefore i can't really make a fist, especially with my right hand. yeeesh. They're already calloused... Not to mention it hurt like hell everywhere else.
Then 5 stairs. this is when running (but today it was okay if ya didn't) up three flights of stairs, then walking back down is one stair. Repeat 5 times, but don't go back down the last time. Why? Because next is...
5 LAPS AROUND THE THIRD FLOOR. no stopping. Just run. And i'm pretty sure i was the only person who didn't stop at ALL. like other people would take water breaks, and i was just like 'okay only a little more, then i'll have bout two laps left....'
andandand when i got home and weighed myself, i was less than i've been since sometime in august. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH yay ^^
also, i got 50 bucks when i finally finished this maze whatsit from my aunt, and a load of itunes music, and the uploadation of my cd from tim. Rob Zombie - Hellbilly Deluxe. Yum. >;9 AND i passed in the history project that made me stay up till 12:50 last night/ this morning, cuz i had crew till 5:00 and didn't get home till 5:26, then the orchestra concert from 6:30 (when i got there) till 10:00ish when i got home. i fell asleep in first period today, but it didn't matter cuz we weren't doing anything today. cept the quiz in history, but Herbert was kickass and let us do it in pairs.
and tomorrow is Wicked at the Kennedy Center... i've never actually been inside it. I can't say i haven't been there, because i technically have, but it's only been for like a minuteish when running by during fall learn-to-row down at the boathouse. so i've been to the location. just not the actual PLACE. and then we go out to eat... and then it's christmas the next day, equals free stuff for me.