Liberal and Conservative

May 24, 2009 21:55


So... I'm kinda liberal (on the U.S. scale).  I'm not crazy liberal or anything, but most of my ideas are decidedly *not* conservative.  When I was in high school I was a good bit more conservative than I am now (which I guess is a pretty normal result of college).  But even then, I definitely wasn't like, a Republican.  I've been pretty opposed to the two-party system since I learned what it was and how it was never supposed to be like this.

But my parents are conservative.  And our family friends are too.  None of them are like, far right, moral majority right or anything like that, but still... whenever it becomes apparent that i am not conservative, the other ppl are so... condescending.  Like "Oh, you'll grow out of it."  And stuff like that.  What the hell?  I don't think it's wrong to be conservative.  Why do they think it's wrong to be liberal?  I just have a different approach to certain issues.  I can have a different point of view without being *wrong*!

It just puts me in this really defensive mood.  I like a clean environment, I think guns kill people, and I don't think the government should have a say in who marries who or whether or not women can have abortions.  I would rather pay taxes that provide services for people than live in a country where nobody helps anybody but themselves.  I mean, to me this stuff seems totally reasonable.  And i'm willing to have reasonable, friendly talks about any of those issues, and others.  But for some reason I feel like nobody ever wants to listen.  They so sure they're right that they just spend the whole time telling me I'm young and naive and that I'll learn some day.

Maybe they are right.  Maybe I cannot make a difference in the world.  But if I don't try to make things better in the world, how can I expect anyone else to try?  And if no one tries, then nothing changes.

family, politics

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