Since my routine is clearly uninteresting and yawn inducing, I thought I should focus on something else. That's why I'll post pictures of my desk.
SUPER SEXY PHONE. WORSHIP IT. Yeah this is what I bought. Last week.
Okay, let's get back on tracks and start talking about meaningful (!) stuff.
We might be going to Dublin on a trip this summer. Well it would be from the 5th to the 9th of September so technically if it starts raining that's it, bye summer, but I shall be optimistic and engage in a dazzling sun dance. As I mentioned in a previous post (or so I think, I should check) I get four weeks off during the whole year including the usual week in August when the office is closed, which leaves me with three, so I figured I could take on in July, one in September and one in December. Without much thoughts about traveling this year... Then the whole Dublin thing suddenly popped up, but being my dad the other working person in the family, our vacations must overlap! In the end that week in September might be the one. I REALLY HOPE SO BECAUSE I DESERVE A VACATION ABROAD.