theories are more interesting than facts, yes?

Jun 03, 2008 18:38

Wrote these down a few days ago. I felt like updating but I was already in bed, so I decided to grab my really old blue notepad (2002, just checked - whoa) and put it on paper. It's always like this, you sit here for a thousand years and nothing comes out of your head!

❥ "Wanna see Subaru play the holy shamisen so bad." - That evening I was reading about the fact that he plays multiple instruments, such as piano (only for a few years), guitar, harmonica (which he probably dropped but I'm not sure) AND shamisen. Now, most of you probably don't get the whole picture here, but I'm literally head over heels for this instrument. The sound it makes - and the feeling I get when I listen to it - is just undescribable. I think it wraps up the essence of Japan. So I was thinking in my head what could happen if I added the sound of a shamisen to Subaru's singing voice... Well, I probably squealed a bit. And started hyperventilating. I'm helpless T_T

❥ "John Frusciante: fucked up brain or plain stuttering?" - This is something I've been asking myself for a long time. I've watched many interviews, and everybody comments about his struggle to talk (something which is highly visible) saying that drugs fried his brain. Couldn't it be that he stutters? I see and hear myself each time he talks. I wouldn't define him incapable of speaking properly because of a (hopefully) past drug addiction in such a lighthearted way. Actually, there IS something that made me consider the stuttering option. This is a tiny piece of lyrics from Ricky, a song on his Shadow Collides with People album.

I don't blame my weak
For my not being able to speak
Clearly about things I've said before

Now, I know there's that last phrase so technically it's not about stuttering, but the way he sings it - there's a consistent pause. It's like he added the following lyrics later. And in my sick mind I'm convinced he meant to hide the original meaning. Not being able to speak, what is that? I can tell you more: speaking clearly about things which were already said (as in repeating them) is not exactly the easiest thing to do for stutterers. I personally hate to repeat something that I struggled so much to get out of my mouth.
But again, this is just in my mind. Bare assumptions. I don't know if this song is autobiographical, and there's basically no way to prove it.
Yet I don't believe his brain is fried. He's a genius.

john frusciante, kanjani8, stuttering, subaru

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