Note to Spider [Day 41]

May 17, 2009 01:32

This letter is to inform you, Spider Jerusalem, that you are offered an exclusive interview with Yukari Yakumo.

When: This upcoming night only

Where: The Game Room - it's the second room on the right in the Sun Room.

There are conditions to this interview.

- You will not conduct this interview intoxicated. Leave your damn drugs in your room.

- When either myself or Yukari says the interview is over, it's over.

- You will treat this as a privilege, not a right, because we don't have to allow it.

- If you touch Yukari for any reason uninvited by her, especially if you attack her in any non-verbal manner, I will kick your ass. If you're lucky, I'll only break your other hand.

If you are willing to abide by these non-negotiable terms and accept the interview offered, post a single piece of paper on the board with the the sentence 'I accept.' written on it along with that drawing of a spider you've signed posts with before. You have until the end of the day to respond. Should you respond in any other format or approach Yukari before the scheduled interview, you forfeit any rights to the interview. This offer expires come dinner.

Sheena Fujibayashi
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