(no subject)

Sep 21, 2011 01:50

what just happened.

so psmithery and i have been back on the Princeverse train, and we're about 3.5K through the next story, which is an interlude/conflict resolution sort of fic. We churned out a lot of good stuff last night and in a fit of madness I went and reread all of princeverse from the beginning. DAMN our writing has CHANGED. but the thing that just happened has thrown me for a loop.

I normally am the one to fight for a lot more character development and gen stuff and side plots. Psmithery is normally the "if it's not at least partially sexy I don't understand how to write this" camp. But over the past few days... somehow... we've shifted.

And I just had a two-page discussion with her where she was gunning for there to be more UST and and more general character stuff and I was like "but no! THEY NEED TO KISS NOW! Let's just timeskip!"

She's off to the shops now and I should be doing my $work (anybody on my flist watch Cardfight: Vanguard? I'm checking episode 37 in a minute) and clearly when she returns we will be able to come to an agreement on the matter but DEAR GOD, WHO AM I? WHO IS PSMITHERY? HOW I MINE FOR FISH?
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