Y halo thar! Here I am with my first blogcrews. :> I was looking around and couldn't find crews of this two amazing series, so I've decided to make them on my own (yes, I'm a dork, and yes I wanted to start a blogcrew nomatterwhat =¬= ). I hope you have fun on this, as much as I had doing it :P~
- First come, first serve <3
- One claim per series and person, please.
- Only characters allowed; don't claim Toki's eyepatch or Morita's camera. Maybe on future crews, but not on these, please :x
- If you want to claim, post the name of the character you want and the series he/she came from. As you can see, I claimed first 'cuz I'm evul as hell >D
- Link back to this post once you are accepted; copy the code below and paste it on a visible place of your journal. Take care of your claim, or you'll be deleted!
- If you are moving or have a new account, let me know so I can modify the list.
- Don't bashing/flaming other people if your favorite character has been claimed. Respect first rule ;]
- Nething. Just liek number eight. Enjoy! 8]
「CHARACTER」 ☆ A m a t s u k i
「CHARACTER」 ☆ http://mizu-koetatsu.livejournal.com/29294.html">
A m a t s u k i Shinonome Kon ☆
mizu_koetatsuTokidoki Rikugou ☆
pia_elricKuchiha ☆
smillesHeihachi ☆
scherzandoGinshu ☆
crystalweaverBonten ☆
shockinblueShinshu ☆
summermusingsTsuyukusa ☆
cyclicalityTsuruume ☆
the_fireflyUtsubushi ☆
meia_kraneByakuroku ☆
ladyofcarribean ★ HONEY & CLOVER.
HONEY & CLOVER ♡ { Character }
HONEY & CLOVER ♡ { Character } Hanamoto Shuji ♡
mizu_koetatsu Morita Shinobu ♡
pacificpikachu Hanamoto Hagumi ♡
i-catch-a-cold Takemoto Yuta ♡
kirarakim Yamada Ayumi ♡
twelve Nomiya Takumi ♡
kaurin Morita Kaoru ♡
euploeamulciberLeader ♡