Title: What You Need for a Perfect Christmas
bioniceyeGenre: Romance/General
Pairings: USUK
Rating/Warnings: T-ish...Just to be save, lots of fluff I believe
Summary: It's Alfred and Arthur's first Christmas together, and they want it to be perfect.
AN: Thanks to
usako_minamino for being my beta reader!
Third: The Perfect gift
Arthur’s never really had shopping problems before. However now he’s on a budget, and though he would love to get Alfred the “coolest, neatest, newest thing” out there, he still wants to try to at least have a traditional Christmas dinner as well. Alfred isn’t exactly hard to shop for, and Arthur is sure anything he gets the American will get a smile. However, it’s their first Christmas together; there was no distance between them; no ocean; and the Christmas gift is being open on Christmas. Arthur wants to be perfect for Alfred, and something Arthur can live with.
That just about throws video games out the window; it’s not like there is anything wrong with the American’s obsession, it’s just that Arthur likes it when he’s not addicted to the game, and doesn’t stay up into the late hours of the night playing. Alfred has plenty of clothes, so there is no need for it, even if the American still complained he had nothing to wear in the winter.
Arthur gave a sigh, trying to think of something he could get Alfred for Christmas. It wasn’t like Arthur could go with any of the mainstream ideas, well for the most part. The idea of a watch came to mind, but Alfred has a good watch that still worked, actually he had two, a rather professional one and one he wore every day. Walking around the mall was not helping much either, aside from making him feel like he was wasting his time.
The Englishman sighed again, he really had no clue what to get Alfred; usually he would get him something nice, or something the American really needed/wanted. He grew tired of the crowd of people buzzing by him, because they knew what they wanted to get in the mall. Arthur walked into the perfume store without really thinking, diving in to try and think of something. However the more he thought about it, the more he realized that Alfred did need some new cologne.
Therefore, Arthur got to work on trying to find something Alfred would like, as well as something Arthur would stand when the two cuddled after some event Alfred would wear the cologne too.
---- ---- ----Alfred can’t help but thinking that if he had a girlfriend she would be a lot easier to shop for. Of course he wouldn’t trade Arthur for anything in the world, but there aren’t many presents for him to get for the significant other that isn’t overly girly, or make him look like a creep. He doesn’t mind if people think he’s gay since they live in a rather mellow place that doesn’t care in New York.
Besides Arthur can be rather picky, not in a bad way, he knew what he liked and what he didn’t. He liked wearing this color over that; and this cut over that. It’s easy to shop with Arthur, but without the Briton, Alfred was going to have to go by memory. It’s not like he couldn’t do it, he just wants it to be perfect. Usually Alfred gets Arthur a nice set of books or something of his childish fascination.
However, this time, he wants to buy something nice, and something Arthur could use for school. The Briton was the collared shirt and tie sort of teacher; however there were times when life got in the way and Arthur was forced to wear something else (like an old t-shirt he found in his car). Arthur can only have coffee dropped on him by the bubbly Italian teacher at the school so many times before the stain became permeate or the shirt ruined.
The American groaned shifting lower into one of the seats at the mall. Damn, he had no clue what he was going to get the Englishman. It’s not like he can get anyone to help him, no one was going to tell him anything useful to get Arthur. What does one think to give a History teacher for Christmas? Alfred doesn’t want to get Arthur something he can just use in his class room. Arthur would throw a hissy fit about something like that.
The college student got up and huffed angrily towards his part time job in the mall. He’s rather early for it, and it’s a rather mellow sort of day at the mall. Alfred stuffed his hands into his pockets and slowed his pace, window shopping mindlessly. He needed to find a gift for Matthew, and his mother was not going to let the boy have another red sweater of some kind. It’s not like his brother doesn’t have a sense of fashion, he was a model for some creepy French designer up in Canada near his school.
He was about to give up looking, figuring he would just get Matthew some stuffed animal and maybe spare some money for his brother to buy tickets to a hockey game, when he saw it. It was a mannequin dressed in a fine pressed shirt, black slacks, a tie, and a vest. It was not something that would make anyone think of a strict, British, history teacher, with his “needed” reading glasses catching the glare of the light just so. However it did it for Alfred.
The American couldn’t suppress the grin on his face no matter what he tried. Alfred hurried in the store, mindful of his time, and picked the best set of colors and designs that Arthur could possibly like. He had to run to work when he got lost in his thoughts of how good Arthur was going to look.
AN: Yeah, another part up! Sadly I could think of how the two would open their presents and their expressions. However I don't know, it might come to me later or something and I'll just sort of right it. Oh and Arthur is a History Teacher, in case no one's notice, Alfred works part time in the mall while he studies something in college. I hoped you all enjoyed this part, I'm now half way done!