[Fanfic] I Walk a Lonely Road

Jun 19, 2012 20:08

Title: I Walk a Lonely Road
Genre: angst/general/slashish-friendship
Pairing(s): Travis/Wes
Rating/Warnings: T mentions of child abuse
Summary:  The prequel to It Was a Hard Enough Life and The Sun Does Come Out Tomorrow.  Wes has never really had anyone in his life, and the current low point in his life is not helping him got over the fact that he is so damn lonely.  Based on this prompt.
AN: More Common Law for everyone...again.

“Boston?” Wes asked with question as he glanced at his computer and biting his lip.

His mother was rattling on about it with such excitement he couldn’t bring himself to shot her down. Her boyfriend was a fantastic guy; his record was clean aside from one speeding ticket that he paid off a day after getting it. Wes had no reason to stop his mother from going to Boston for the Fourth of July with him and his family. Even if they agreed to have something in LA because Wes agreed to stop invading Alex’s life too much.

“Oh, it’s going to be so much fun, Wes.” She said excitedly over the phone. “Jacob said you more than welcome to tag a long, he won’t mind.”

Jacob won’t mind, his children wouldn’t mind, but Wes and his mother can only put on a show for so long. It would only be a few days and they would start arguing about something they said. Wes knew that would ruin the whole trip because he would be the one to storm off back to LA. It’s not the smartest thing for him to tag along.

“No, it’s okay. It’s too short notice for work, and Travis would probably kill me for just leaving without telling him where I was going.” Wes said with a snort he hoped sounded normal. “Have fun.”

“Wes, I know we had plans-”

“It’s okay, I’ll call someone, I’ll find something to do.” Wes said with fake optimism. He won’t call someone because there was no one worth calling, he didn’t have friends, Alex was out of his life, and Travis would laugh at him more than anything. But, what’s another lonely holiday to Wesley Mitchell? “Just have fun, mom. Jacob’s a good guy.”

“I know.” His mother ended the call on the other end.

Wes felt his shoulders drop as he let out a sigh, tossing his phone to the other end of the couch. Running a hand through his hair, he rose to his feet while reaching for his empty take out boxes. He dropped it in his garbage bin. He makes a sound as the fact that he just threw out one of the only things keeping him company. With a growl he grabbed his wallet and key card and headed to the bar. He needed a crowd of lonely people to feel less lonely.

----  ----  ----
Dr. Ryan always knows how to twist the knife in Wes’ side, planning her sessions to be almost parallel with Wes’ life. Their session just had to be about dealing with areas were members of a relationship are for the most part alone in. She covers all the little areas and Travis chuckles like he always does comment.

“Wes is like the poster boy for loneliness,” Travis teased.

Wes knew he didn’t mean too much by it, and he was so unaware of how lonely Wes actually was. He didn’t know Wes has been a poster boy for loneliness since he was a newborn child and his mother deemed him independent enough to not need her all the time. Still Wes glares too sharply to be taking it in a teasing manner.

“I’m not lonely.” Wes defends, but the destroyed plans for the Fourth of July flash in his mind and he knows he’s hardly convincing.

“You live in a hotel, man.” Travis said so easily, earning some slight chuckles for the group because they know it was somewhat true. Wes lives a lonely life style. “That’s pretty lonely.” For once Wes finds himself wanted Dr. Ryan to step in and stop the bullying.

“Now, now.” Dr. Ryan does really have a heart it seems. She calms the group with ease before turning her attention directly to Wes. Well, great. “Wes, do you consider yourself lonely?”

Fuck, yeah. Wes wants to scream it, but he doesn’t because that would be too harsh of an answer to not have something behind it. “By the definition of the word, it fits the description; however, after a while of feeling something, you don’t feel it too much.” Wes said calmly and collective, reverting back to complete lawyer mod.

Everyone looked at him, Dr. Ryan raised an eyebrow. They were all so use to Wes fighting every part of the session, to see him saying something without much of a fight was weird. Travis was even looking at him like he might explode. Wes found the look of puzzlement rather amusing on Travis face. Wes didn’t see the point in lying because he didn’t feel like fighting it, his feathers would get all ruffled and he would say something he didn’t want to. His buried childhood would be dig up and Wes doesn’t need that. He doesn’t need child abuse labeled all over him.

“Wow, progress.” Travis said with a light and happy tone almost seeking approval from Dr. Ryan.

To Wes’ luck they move on.

----  ----  ----
It was routine. Wes runs for two hours before he heads to work. He leaves at five am and returns at seven, and he’s out the door and ready for work by seven thirty. He always starts out on the same running song and ends on the perfectly at the end of another one. It never fails, the hotel staff is so use to it, they don’t pay him much mind when he passes them.

However, for some reason he didn’t turn back where he usually did. He just kept running, his head spinning the therapy session and his approaching lonely holiday. Something about it didn’t make him want to turn around and head for back to his lonely hotel room, lonely car, and just about everything else he owned. He was too caught in his thoughts to turn around, or even realize where he was, or even the time.

A clap of thunder made him stop to catch his breath, causing a curse to leave his lips. It had been in the forecast it was going to rain about mid-morning. Without warning heaven released a cold shower down on him, and he was stupidly stopped a while away from an overhang. Jogging over, Wes didn’t at all avoid getting wet from the rain.

With a groan he ripped out his earphones and pulled his phone out of one of his pockets. He cursed again at the time. It was nine o’clock and there were three messages on his phone. Not to his surprise, but they’re all from Travis, wondering casually where he is and bragging how he beat Wes to work. Wes has no choose but to call him.

The phone rings three times before Travis picks up, Wes rolling his eyes at his cheery voice. “Well, speak of the devil.” Travis said a wide smile clear in his voice. “Where are you man?”

Wes sighed, “I’m not exactly sure, but I know I’m at least four hours, on foot, away from my hotel in the middle of a down pour.” Wes said sourly, he’s cold, soaking wet, and lonely. Nothing about him adds up to him being happy. Travis laughed on the other end.

“Call a cab man, and get over her before Sutton has my ass about you being gone.” Travis said hanging up with not much after that.

Wes doesn’t have much of a choice. He went in a small shop and called a cab, becoming impatient as time pasted. When it arrived he made it hurry back to his hotel and he ran through his routine for getting ready for work. He skipped breakfast and hopped in his car, rushing to work. At least it stopped raining.

----  ----  ----
“-dehydrated and had some slight malnutrition. From what we saw, it seems like Mr. Mitchell hadn’t eaten or drank anything today, however, it could just be stress.” An unfamiliar female voice said as Wes was starting to come to. “He’s hooked up to an IV now, and should be fine by nightfall, but we’ll keep him here incase it’s something more.”

“Thanks doctor.” Captain Sutton’s voice sounded.

The universe seemed to like dumping problems onto Wes. However it was his fault he was here. He had rushed out to get to work and skipped every chance of eating and drinking there was because he was late. He hadn’t thought it was that bad, well that was until he was kneeling above some plants throwing up nothing. Wes remembered hearing Travis teasing him in the background causing a few other cops to laugh as well. He remembered his vision tunneling and leaning too much to the left and then that was it.

The sound of footsteps leaving the room knocked him from his remembering. Someone crossed their arms, but by the sound of the fabric in the quiet room, Wes knew it wasn’t Sutton. The sound of leather rubbing against leather as arms shifted and folded, told him Travis was there as well.

“Wesley was the last person I expected this from.” Wes heard Sutton say with a sigh. “Passing out, possibly having a heat stroke.” Travis made a sound, but he didn’t say anything. “Call me when he wakes up, I want to know what’s going on with him.” More footsteps leave the room, but their Sutton’s, and just his, not Travis’

Travis’ footsteps sound when the door clicked close. They were getting closer to his bed. “Hey, stop faking man.” Travis snapped, suddenly whacking Wes lightly on the head, but it was enough to make his head throb.

Groaning and trying to ease his throbbing head, Wes opened his eyes and glared at Travis. “God damn it, Travis.” Wes hissed dizzily. “Don’t do that.” Wes close his eyes dropping his head back against the pillows, feeling the room spin slightly.

Travis made a sound, but the sound of his arms folding seemed to be enough of a peace offering for Wes to open his eyes and look at him again. “What’s with you man?”

“What do you mean?” Wes said confused and Travis wiggled the IV cord a little too roughly, causing Wes to hiss, while nibbling at his lip and shifting his weight about. Wes was surprised by the amount of control Travis had, he only did that when he was biting back a yell. “Oh…I’ve been stressed.” Wes said easily.

“Bullshit. When you’re stressed you do that tapping thing with your fingers and take apart and reconstruct your pens.” Travis said firmly. “You don’t go for a four hour run and pass out six hours later because you haven’t had a drop of water or a crumb of food.” Travis had a look in his eyes, the type of look Wes saw when Travis was lecturing some kid in the foster care system about their choices. It was the ‘Old Brother’ look as Wes deemed it, something he never had, from anyone. “Something’s up with you.”

“What are you, a therapist now?”

“No, I’m your partner.” Travis said coldly, “You do know what that means right. I’m with you through thick and thin. Hasn’t Dr. Ryan at least pounded that enough in your head?”

Wes looked down at his feet, before running a hand through his hair. Thick and thin. It sounded like something to do with marriage. He sighed, Wes’ definition of thick and thin is different for Travis’. The low point of Wes’ life right now, is a gust of air, it’s nothing compared to his past, or just the surface of every problem Wes has. A gust is easy to get through, however.

“My mom canceled our plans for Fourth of July, Jacob’s taking her to Boston, I can’t and won’t compete with that.” Wes admitted staring up at the ceiling. “It’s sort of the first Fourth of July alone for me.” That was a big fat lie, but Wes’ past is a mystery to all those around him, it’s a cloud of lies. He’s not ready to clear them up yet, he doesn’t trust anyone that much yet.

“Man, I thought it was something serious.”

“That is serious!” Wes defended.

“Wes, my foster ma’s throwing a baroque and she keeps asking about you.” Travis said with a grin. “You should stop by, she wants to pinch your cheeks and fatten you up.”

Wes gave an awkward smile and snort. A baroque with a bunch of strangers who only knew him as Travis’ partner. It really didn’t sound too bad.

AN:  And I killed it!  LOL!  The ending sucks to me -sobs-  I'm too addicted to Common Law right now it's not even funny.

This kind of wandered a bit away form the prompt, Wes isn't exactly super angsty, but whateves.  This prompt worked so well with my Common Law child abuse story that a prequel blossomed.  I hope the OP liked it and other people feel it as well, cause I don't think this is the best.  On the upside there is some inside to Wes' and his mother's relationship from my story.  (I kind of want his mother to be friends with someone in their therapy group and..yeah)  Okay I'll be quiet now.

travis/wes, common law, wes mitchell, fanfiction, travis marks

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