Yes I had ANOTHER day off... *sighs* and to think, a year ago I would have given anything to have some time off! Now I am finding it harder and harder to find stuff to busy myself with. My hubby Mike is an old time gamer and I am lucky he has saved all his systems over the years, including the original Nintendo. Hells yeah, a kid's favorite toy from the 80's... heh. Okie so I just spent the last several hours getting sucked back into a slew of old Nintendo games. Can't say I'm any kind of major gamer, but hell... I can appreciate the classics. My brother can beat the original Super Mario Brothers in less than 5 minutes... now I am not as good, but I enjoyed playing the game and saving Princess Toadstool.
Below is a clip I found years ago on Youtube. It is by no means is an accurate representation of the original game, but it is funny as all hell!
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