Aug 09, 2008 19:12
Becky is in Alabama, so I are bored.
I dyed my hair back to blue. Been red for way too long, I was getting sick of it. My hair is pretty fried. It takes alot to fry my hair, but its still healthier then most peoples. lol.
School is going very odd. My mother in law is now working for the school as one of the teachers. My other teacher/the owner has completely lost it and gone off her rocker. We have tons of new students and more on the way.
We are going to be out of senior students before all these juniors become seniors and can work on the floor.... That will be interesting.
I still have about 500+ hours left to go. Ugh.
Work sucks. For no particular reason other then I hate retail, I hate $8 an hour, I hate working so effing late at night. I think its amazing the caliber of the people they choose to promote, but thats their business not mine.
I have been digging Pub13 lately. I had previously figured it wasn't really my flavor of place, but I really dig the dueling piano dorkery. hah.
Had a big B-day party there last night for one of my coworkers/supervisor/whatever's 30th birthday. A handful of the managers showed up, after dancing their asses off at necto. I got the dueling pianos to play two david bowie requests for me haha.
My undercut is slowly inching up higher and higher haha. Its still only about 3-4 inches high, a FAR FAR cry from the higher then my eyebrows undercut I used to have though.
I went shopping at kohls today (where i work) and I walked into the back room to grab some stuff I put on hold and the store manager who had not seen my blue hair yet was back there. She cackled lots and said she just loves me. Apparently I can get away with whatever the fuck I want there, as she is the most conservative person there. Too bad I hate the hours/pay and the fact its retail so much haha. The people are pretty neat.
I'm rambling now.
OH if anyone has a bottle of SFX Blue Haired Freak or Blue Velvet, lemme know how much you want for it, and when I can acquire it!