Nanzan Asian Program 2010 -Malaysia- (week 1)

Mar 13, 2010 23:21

If you had noticed, I had been in a complete AFK for the last 4 weeks. And this is all because of this exchange student program the School of Languages and Literacy that I had joined. The program is to bring some students of Nanzan University to another country to learn their language and culture, also to do some research of the said countries. It sounded like a lot of fun, since I never got to speak with a real Japanese before and I saw this opportunity to finally make use of the learned conversational skills in Japanese class. Of course, they were here to learn Malay so yeah, it's more like a teach and learn between us.

Lemme just see if I can share with you my lovely experiences;

15th February
The day the Nanzan students arrive. They reached the USM's Guest House about 7:45pm I think. All of them looking tired and excited. Afterwards, we helped them to their rooms. MY GAWD THEIR LUGGAGE IS HUGE AND RIDICULOUSLY HEAVY!! I think I just broke my back helping one up the stairs. We did not have the opportunity to introduce ourselves btw.

16th February
Second day, and we joined them to an early trip to the Kek Lok Si temple. I sat beside Masashi, a really soft-spoken and kinda shy guy. He barely knew English and I can't really speak Japanese fluently. I understood the most of what he's trying to say but I cannot reply in complete Japanese. Kek Lok Si is a really big Buddhist temple with a really tall Pagoda we can climb. I never wanted to climb so high, thus I just went halfway. I went with a group of really closed friends of three - Yuko, Kahoyo and Moeko - but we lost each other along the way. When it was time to leave, my clothes reeks of incense. The Japanese students realized for the first time how hot Malaysia can be. All I can hear is just "パナス" from them.

Later we head to Queensbay with the same group. I learned that they really love Jusco. They want to find everything in Jusco since probably in Japan, Jusco had just about everything. I was quite surprised of how tight they are with their money when I was expecting they would spend like water. Their currency are 3 times greater than RM. But at least my group, walked all over Queensbay in search of a sandal/slipper. I barely died of fatigue. My fat feet are never meant to shop like that. We went back to USM afterward. I think I did died.

17th February
We were supposed to only walk with them from the Guest House to the School of Languages to show them how to get there by themselves so we - Anis, Ruki and Ash - did not dress formally. Who would have thought there was the opening/briefing ceremony to take place! We tried to give excuses of our t-shirts and jeans are not appropriate, but Soeda-sensei insisted we joined. So we did. I played the part of 'mother' with Ruki to demonstrate how Malaysian's usual handshake. Kinda funny though LOL.

Later that day was the the first meeting and introduction with the Buddies and the Nanzan students. Most of the introductions of the Nanzan students include the little Malay they had learned, and their hobbies which most includes sports. I kinda LOL when it was the Buddies (USM tutor students) turned to introduce ourselves, most includes 'animu' and 'manga'. IDK. I kinda feel like things like that were not the things you include to make a good impression of yourself. IMO they are not impressed, but who am I to say this? LOL.

Right after was the first tutorial. I am in the group with Rena, Yuka, Chieko and Natsuko. Since they only had their first Malay class in the afternoon, our tutorial covers only of pronunciation. It was supposed to be a simple tutorial but they keep insisting to ask what each of the written examples in their workbook are. I did not have that much of a hard time to explain since I pretty much confident with my knowledge of Japanese nouns, but I think I'm quite nervous at that time. It was my first time to ever tutor anyone in my life. Rena, I realized, was very good with English and catches up quite fast. So does Natsuko, which they called Nacchan. I never used that nickname. I am that minority who won't use others' nickname just because I heard someone else can use it. IDK I think it's quite rude to, especially when you never that close to that person.

Anyways, later, we took them to the USM's convenient shop - コンビニ. When we were done, we were to head to the Subaidah restaurant inside USM but one of them - Nagisa - took off without a word back to the Guest House. Someone said because she really can't take the spicy foods of Malaysia. Them Japanese are really weak with spicy foods, I learned. My first impression of their sub-leader is someone who cares not about what others might concern. Someone I don't think I want to be friend with.

18th February
Not much happened today. The usual tutorial in the evening but at different place - the language lab. We finally get to our permanent group that the Nanzan divided among themselves to do a specific research about Malaysia and its culture. I am with the most... how should I say... 'hardworking'? group of them all. I am with Natsuko, Rena, Nagi and Shogo (leader). With me was Yana (Meisa), and Ruki. The title of this group's research is "Image of Japan to Malaysian", or something like that.

At first, I was quite unsure of what their research is all about. They mentioned the 'Look East Policy' so we just thought we'd focus only on that. I realized that Natsuko and Rena is somewhat able with their English while Nagi and Shogo said really a few. Not much was accomplished today. Only that I changed my impression on Nagi. She's really a funny girl.

19th February
No tutorial today.

20th February
Heritage trail! I was quite afraid of this. Since the last trip to Kek Lok Si managed to kill me as I was dragging my feet to catch up, I expected the same murder today too. We went to 3 places - Islam Museum, Khoo Kong Si, and just a see of Masjid Kapitan. I was a total awkward with the rest of them. I did not meet new people or be closer to any of them today. Yeah. I am a bit slow for things like this. Added by the fact that they like to take pictures more than actually enjoy the museum. I prefer the later. The weather was blazing hot btw.

When we had our lunch, I sit with the same table as Rena and Nagi, and some other I can't quite remember. Maybe Minako, Moeko, Kanako and Yana. Rena, I found out, is the coolest girl I've met in person, while Nagi is really 'advanced' with her Malay. She already know what 'Bodoh' and 'Gila' means, and when to use them. LOL.

First time eating Nasi Lemak. They mixed in the sambal without even asking whether it's spicy or not. Some are unpleasantly surprised, but they all finished theirs anyway.

A really interesting picture by Ezzah.

From left; Fat-legs Me, Cheery Natsuko, Ezzah -bombed by Shogo-, Funny Nagi and Cool Rena.

21th February
An unscheduled trip to some bowling. Since I have no interest in the sport, I excuse myself. I took the time to sleep and recharge. But hearing the fun and lovely time they had there made me die a little. I can always just be a bystander and just watch, right? meh.

-Continued in next post-

happeh time

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