Sep 26, 2009 23:50
The following was originally posted on my twitter:
For years, I was so sucessful at "faking it till" I feel happy.. & when I say sucessful, I mean no 1 could tell I wasn't.
For a little while there I was happy. And just like that.. it's gone. But lately, I've grown tired of "faking it". Maybe, that's why I've become as 'antisocial' I was in high school. Back then it didn't bother me that I didnt have anyone to socialize with.
But now, I have the urge to go out & be social. Only problem is that I don't want to "fake" feeling happy, if I'm not. So, until I get out of this 'slump'...I might say "YES!" when you invite/ask me to go somewhere or do something, but PLEASE, don't get upset when I back-out at the last minute...also, don't stop inviting/asking me. *sigh*