Dec 22, 2004 01:00
I stole this from Ami's journal. Ami is cool, and made peace studies a worthwhile course.
TEN random things about me
10. I have the biggest Transformers collection at GWU, I believe
9. Girls with glasses are the hottest
8. I hate sauce on my pizzas
7. There are certain Republicans I could vote for.
6. I looked over the entire friggen Mid Atlantic for Transmetal Two Megatron, and found one at a convention across the street from my Apt.
5. My net friends think I'm horribly boring and rigid, my RL friends think I'm waaaay too imaginative. Where is the Balance?
4. I actually tried to date a Republican
3. I've never gone this long without use of a subway before since 2001. (My stint out of DC back in June had me using the T in Boston for a bit)
2. I still function.
1. I have been to every Walmart, Target, KMart, and Toys R Us in Northern Virginia.
NINE places i've visited
(i really think this question is best asked in about three years time)
9. Washington DC
8. Suburban Maryland
7. Tri-Cities area, Tennessee
6. Central Virginia/Richmond
5. Orlando, Florida
4. Boston, MA
3. San francisco
2. Nashville, TN
1. Northern Virginia
EIGHT things i want to do before i die
(wow...just 8? all right, let's try to minimize and pick out the really important ones)
8) Get Super Articulated SW figures of the regulars (Clone/Stormtrooper, Vader, Han, and Boba Fett exist)
7) Go to Japan
6) Finish the Xenosaga series
5) See Congress become Democrat again
4) Get a 6 inch or smaller action figure of Mr. Spock in Trek movie uniform.
3) See a Babylon Five Movie
2) Get a Blink Marvel Legend
1) Defeat my enemies
SEVEN ways to win my heart (<---- what a lame question! i'm going to rephrase as "SEVEN qualities i appreciate in people")
7) Curiosity about all things
6) The willingness to consider ALL options
5) A tolerance for my hobbies
4) intelligence
3) An unusual but interesting sense of humour
2) Glasses
1) Loyalty and Honour
SIX things i believe
6) Every race in the known universe has a dish equivilant to Sweedish Meatballs.
5) Everyone lies: The innocent because they don't want to be blamed; and the guilty because they have no other choice.
4) Understanding is a three-edged sword: Your Side, Their Side, and the Truth.
3) God has a sense of humor, and the joke is on us all.
2) Faith Manages
1) Our children will oneday leave the cradle of Earth for the last time in celebration of humanity's triumph.
FIVE things i enjoy doing alone
5) lying on my bed, listening to music on my walkman with my eyes closed
4) Playing Video Games
3) cleaning
2) Reading
1) Organizing my collection.
FOUR unique things about my room (what an odd question)
4) I live alone there.
3) Lots of unused posters
2) The Star Wars figures
1) The Transformers.
THREE things i do everyday
3) Procrastinate
2) Check my Email.
1) Lie.
TWO things i am trying to do right now
2) Go to bed.
1) Find Alternator Grimlock
ONE person i can't live without