1. Pick 20 of your favorite movies.
2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. Fill in the film title once it's guessed.
5. NO GOOGLING/using IMDb search functions.
1."'sup Arizona? How you likin' the rain girl?" Twilight,
Airflux 2. "I'm here to find the man I love."
"Deeply flattered, boy, but my first and only love is the sea." Pirates of the Carribbean: Dead Man's Chest,
Airflux 3. "You're insane!"
"I thought I was a Pisces!"
4. "Imagine! My little girl... regular, at last." Hairspray,
Airflux 5. "What was done to me was monstrous."
"And they created a monster."
6. "What do you mean he don't eat no meat?"
"Oh, that's okay. I make lamb." My Big Fat Greek Wedding,
Airflux 7. "You girls are rank amateurs playing with fire."
"Because we own the matches."
8. "Well, it's a matter of life after death. Now that he's dead, I have a life."
"But, he was your second husband. Your first husband also disappeared."
"But that was his job. He was an illusionist."
"But he never reappeared!"
"He wasn't a very good illusionist."
9. "Miss Everglot, what are you doing here? You should be at home, prostrate with grief."
10. "Don't worry. We'll get home. This has all just been a big mistake."
"What about Brenda?"
"That was her parents' mistake."
11. "You are one... sick... puppy!"
12. "I can't face the thought of you leaving, so take me along I swear I'll be strong..."
13. "You seem to have upset the delicate internal balance of my housekeeper."
"We're very sorry, sir, it won't happen again."
"It's our sister, sir. Lucy."
"The weeping girl?"
"Yes, sir. She's upset."
"Hence the weeping."
14. "Off the top of my head, I'd say you're looking at a Boeski, a Jim Brown, a Miss Daisy, two Jethros and a Leon Spinks, not to mention the biggest Ella Fitzgerald ever."
15. "Don't be alarmed but I'm being followed. Act normal."
16. "Oh god, I'm engaged to a douglas fir!"
17. "She doesn't get eaten by the eels at this time."
18. "You are nothing but an animal!"
"We are all animals m'lady."
19. "I carried a watermelon."
20. "Hello, I'm looking for Dr. Montgomery Montgomery. My name is Stephano. I am an Italian man."
22. "He can't hold his ale!"
"I can't hold me ale!"
Name the movie and I'll post it here with your name beside it. :)