So you're looking at the soundtrack, counting down the days until you can illegally download your copy get your copy from Amazon, Atlantic Records, etc and you notice that you haven't really checked out all the bands on here. Maybe you've heard of Death Cab, or The Killers is your Muse, but, whatever it is, you need a full scoop to all these lovely bands. And I was one of those girls who decided to find videos and songs to give you a taste of each listed artist.
First on the list, and I know you've heard it already 15 times and have the lyrics written in Sharpie on an old t-shirt... but check out some of Death Cab For Cutie's earlier work. You'll like it. Trust me. This one is I Will Possess Your Heart.
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So, next on the list we have Band of Skulls. These guys, as far as I know, are relatively new. But the sand is off-the-wall. This song, once I heard the first 30 seconds, was immediately downloaded. Check out I Know What I Am.
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Thom Yorke has a voice like.. well, butter on toast. It coats everything you hear, blending well with acoustic, synths, basses, whatever. I love it. But, don't take my word for it. Check out his live performance on the Henry Rollins Show playing a song from his album Eraser, called Clocks.
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Lykke Li is someone I've never heard of before. And just recently got the play on the band's name, led by female voice Li Lykke Timotej Zachrisson (see why this Swedish lass changed her stage name? I can see it.) She's got a different voice, and, honestly, it would take time to grow on me. I would be interested in how she does a song in New Moon. Her voice is so bright, cheery... Hmm. This song is called I'm Good, I'm Gone.
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The Killers. Ah, I love The Killers. They hit mainstream in 2004, but I still keep as indie at heart. They've always done things differently and the sound is infectious. Especially this song, called Human, which relates to the condition in all of us: afraid of trying something new, braving the unknown.
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More female-led acoustic music, this one is by Anya Marina. She has a very light voice, almost childlike, but still very womanly. It's definitely not your average Janis Joplin, but she does remind me of The Cardigans. A lot. Check out this single Move You.
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Muse. How can I say more about them and not be in awe? Really. I admit I hadn't heard of them until I read Twilight, but I can confidently say that I love them. No matter their relation to certain undead emo vampires. They are fab-u-lous. Watch them. Listen to them. Love them.
This one is called Hysteria.
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Bon Iver has got to be the most calming music I've ever heard. I've never listened to such melancholy, and yet soft music before. Absolutely breathtaking. This is my favorite thus far, as I am still listening to their music (do a search for their album Blood Bank if you don't believe me. It is made of win.) This song is called Brackett, WI.
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Mix a little guitar, fiddle(?) and a hint of rockabilly and you have Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. I caught a whiff of them first on Pandora (Type in Mute Math and you get all kinds of win). This song captured me as of late and I have to share it. It's a great little ditty. Listen to Ain't No Easy Way.
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Okay, so Hurricane Bells isn't exactly.. well, public yet. They've got a myspace, but nothing on YouTube. Nothing legit anyway. So I just have to post their myspace link here. They seem really fantastic and I look forward to hearing their song 'Monsters' on the soundtrack. Sea Wolf. I've heard the name around, but never checked them out. Now, I have and you should, too. It's a little quirky, but they do remind me of The Killers and someone else... can't put my finger on it. Check out this single Winter Windows.
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Ok Go is a new favorite, too. Heard them on some playlists (LOVED THE TREADMILL VIDEO! GENIUS!) and I have to say I have two thumbs way up for them. Check out their single Invincible.
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Grizzly Bear, or as one person said in the
lion_lamb comm, it's "Grizzly Mother-F*ckin' Bear!". They're different. I've said that a bunch, but I've never heard of them before until last week. So I downloaded their album Veckatimest. I'll give you the verdict at a later date. Right now, take a gander at Knife.
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Editors. Interesting, I love the bass and that one song on Edward's playlist and I think they would fit. The main vocals, sung by Tom Smith(?), are alluring and deep. I love a man with a bass voice. Mmm. Listen to The Weight Of The World.
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Okay, so many people are not 'score people' but I am. I love to listen to the scores of movies almost as much, if not more than, the actual soundtrack. Favorite composers? John Williams, James Horner, Danny Elfman and... yep, Alexandre Desplat. Mr. Desplat's most famous and recent work? The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Yes, you heard right. You know it's epic if he's worked on a movie of that magnitude. Listen to Sunrise On Lake Pontchartrain from that soundtrack (which I own. Hardcore.)
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So that's it! If you would like to check these all out separately (and not wait for them to load here, you can use my
playlist on YouTube. It's all there, lovelies.