I understand. I'm responsible now too. Just look at my groceries.

Nov 12, 2011 23:11

I found a spider just like this in my house not but two hours ago:

Freakin' spider was in my freakin' house, hanging around my freakin' bedroom. My skin is crawling thinking about it.
Found my heaviest pair of shoes and got rid of him quickly. Kinda proud that I killed such a huge spider in my home without screaming too much. I did yelp. (Come on, you would have, too!)

Man, I hate spiders. Not like OHMYGOSH I CANNOT FUNCTION TO MOVE kind of hate, more like OHCRAPTHERESASPIDERINMAHHOUSE kind of hate. Either way, he's with his extended family in spider Hades.

Where all spiders belong. Nevermind how they help tame the environment. Screw that crap. It's in my house, it's fair game.

I did laundry, vacuumed and paid a few bills. I feel so adult.

Also, I'm really sleepy. I need to sleep. And blow out that candle before I go to bed. Mmmm.... Apple Crumble *yums*

!personal, !ohmygawsh

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