Hi:) As someone recently new to all things Hiddleston I was doing some LJ searches and found my way here, saw that we also share a few other things in common (SPN, Band of Brothers? - I noticed a Doc Roe icon, art...) and wondered if you minded me friending you?
No, thank you for being polite about it. And thank you for accepting me as a friend, too. We do have a lot in common, it seems. And, wow, I need to catch up on all my Once Upon A Time. It sits in my Amazon account, mocking me. LOL
Prepare to marathon Once Upon A Time. From ep7 onwards, I think, I was compelled to watch one after the other. There was always a last minute hook that denied me the fortitude to press stop and walk away:P So yeah, book a w/end:)
I still, sadly, have not finished Band of Brothers yet. I'm usually a crying/panicking/gross sobbing mess after each episode, so it's a process. :)
I'm usually a crying/panicking/gross sobbing mess after each episode
Sounds all too familiar:) Amazing series though, so rewarding to watch.
Prepare to marathon Once Upon A Time. From ep7 onwards, I think, I was compelled to watch one after the other. There was always a last minute hook that denied me the fortitude to press stop and walk away:P So yeah, book a w/end:)
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