Book Review: the Harry Potter series

Feb 19, 2011 00:18

It's the end of the series for me. I've finished all the books and all I have to say is this:

These books, single-handedly, have got to be some of the best literature I've had the pleasure of reading. Really, I rank these books right up there with To Kill A Mockingbird, the Hunger Games series and even Twilight. It has everything and pulls out all the stops. No stone is left unturned. No spell left uncast. For those who have read this since they were kids, I feel so sorry I caught the bus late. No wonder EVERYONE AND HIS UNCLE was reading them.

And now... all there is... is Deathly Hallows Part 2 (which will make me weep uncontrollably, I'm telling you now).
  • I think my favorite book was Prisoner of Azakaban, mostly because Harry learns the truth about Sirius... his godfather. The man that loves him dearly and the only real link of family left to Harry.
  • My least favorite? Eh, Chamber of Secrets maybe? It was sorta slow. But Half-Blood Prince was sorta slow for me, too (except the last chapter or two, in which I cried).
  • Favorite part? There are so many wonderful parts, but the freshest in my mind is when Harry has made up his mind and he is going to meet Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest... and Lily, James, Remus and Sirius all go with him, to his death, telling him he's so brave and they're proud of him and *sobs and cries and sobs*. Really, I haven't stopped crying much at all in that book.
  • Favorite couple? It's a toss-up between Ron/Hermione and Remus/Tonks (who doesn't love their bittersweet romance?)
  • Favorite character? So many.... but to pick a current favorite: Molly Weasley. She's always trying to take care of everyone and she just wants her family to be safe and sound. When she's annoying Fleur during Christmas? Awesome. Taking on Bellatrix ("Not my daughter, you bitch!" LOLXDFOREVER)
  • Also: Albus Severus? *rolls eyes* Honestly, I could go for Renesmee Carlie over that one. Hers at least sounds halfway-normal. Very hippie. But ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER? OMGDIES. No thank you. Sorry, Harry, but Little Al is going to SO BE PICKED ON by the Slytherins. Just you watch.
Dude, though, seriously, if that epilogue at the end of Deathly Hallows isn't a happily ever after I dunno what is. I adored it. The series ended exactly as it should have. It was beautiful and the wonderful and just perfect. I loved it!

Sidenote: I want a Mrs. Weasley Christmas sweater so badly.

books, fandom: harry potter

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