Firstly: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
Secondly: Tag eight people...
15thgrl07 ,
asian_soul ,
blind_moon_88 ,
sugarbunnies16 ,
etod ,
geosgirl ,
mrsecholls , and
sugarfree03 I got tagged by:
mizramanips 01. Make a list of 5 things you can see:
- a hard hat
- my peacoat
- Computer Arts magazine
- clock radio
- my new peanut butter and jelly-shaped pillows! *geek squee*
02. What is your favorite pick-me-up movie?
The Waterboy -or- Billy Madison
03. Is there anything in your fridge right now that you would never eat/drink?
Deviled eggs from Easter dinner
04. What's your occupation?
Graphic Designer
05. Do you nap a lot?
Graphic designers do not require sleep. We run on Starbucks and Reese Pieces.
06. What was your first celebrity crush?
Zac Hanson! LMAO
07. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
fandom: twilight/The Mortal Instruments
obsession: 70s rock
addiction: Snyder's BBQ Potato Chips
08. What are you listening to right now?
The whir of my laptop.
09. What food could you eat every day for weeks and not get sick of?
Chips. Done and done.
10. What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Yahoo, LJ, Lion&Lamb LJ, Twilighted.... uh, that's usually all I have time for.
11. What was the last thing you bought?
Gino's X-Large Pepperoni & Sausage Pizza (for me and the folks)
12. What was the cutest thing you've seen today?
*MY* Jacob (my best friend's little boy at Easter. Love this picture!)
13. Does the weather affect your mood?
Depends if Mother Nature is particularly feisty that day.
14. Favorite hobby(ies)?
reading, goofing in Photoshop (which leads to new discoveries), looking for new music, being a pest, watching stupidly-funny movies
15. Name a song that makes you think about a ship/character that you like lately.
"Blue Skies" by Blue October; Edward and Nessie. Father/Daughter bonding time is too precious to ignore. Dangit S.Meyer! WHY NO Daddyward?!
16. Weird dream?
I hung out with Robert Pattinson.... *yes i totally dreamed that and yes, I feel like a stalker now. great*
17. Do you have any siblings?
Two brothers; twins (Adam & Andy)
18. What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
Get off your lazy arse and do some things yourself. Just because you think you are high and mighty doesn't make me a doormat nor your personal secretary! *end rant*
19. What are your plans for next weekend?
Working on a few projects... trying to get sTREETsLEEPERS up and running by May 1st.
20. Say something about the person who tagged you:
she's an awesome graphic designer who should get a brilliant job in her field. *waves to
kcullen10 *