Thanks to
cheese_hybrid , I've got a meme to do. :)
1. We do not talk about fight club.
2. You will be given FIVE words/phrases and describe how they relate to you.
3. Tag others with random/not-so-random words/phrases to those who comment and/or want to play, too.
My words/phrases: Talk shows, Hats, TARDIS, Selling out, Dessert
Talk Shows:
Well, I don't watch them much. Every once in a while, I'll sit and watch 'em (for kicks and giggles), but I'm just not that interested in them. I'd rather watch paint dry, honestly.
I've got one hat that a friend got me that's baby pink and has the first letter of my name on it ('S'). But I don't generally wear hats. I think my face is too fat or something. Way too round to wear anything covering up my head. I've been wearing a knit cap until my ears heal properly (much better now, thanks, too. I can hear much better now!)
This has got to be the most amazing machine in science fiction existence. It's a time-traveling phone box that's so iconic, along with that sound. Yeah, you know that sound. Sends chills up your spine, of excitement and adventure. Never a dull day with the Doctor around!
Selling Out:
Very few know that I work as a freelance multimedia designer. I graduated from college with my degree in Graphic Design. I've worked at numerous places, honing my trade. I went into the program with a lot of excitement, but I noticed many of the more 'classical' artists (painters, photographers, sculptors) thought that graphic design wasn't really an art. That it was a form of selling out to commercialism. I say, HECK NO, I don't sell out. I love what I do, and I think, to a point, I'm pretty good at it. I try hard to learn more and discover new trends. To me, graphic design isn't selling out, but as decent as any other art form. It takes a lot of thought to create those labels on the gum you chew. What about the book covers of your favorite series? A graphic designer had to make that. The movie posters, the music albums, the signs that tell you (in GLORIOUS HELVETICA) to Keep Calm and Carry On? All done by graphic designers. *steps down off soapbox*
I'm a dessert person. I'd rather eat the cake first before having dinner. I'd rather snack on my mom's fruit dip (of marshmallow fluff, cream cheese and pineapple juice) than eat a steady four-square meal. I'm also cook a little, and usually my desserts are what come out best. I'm pretty sure this is where everyone says that I am my mother made over.
So, there you go. Five interesting facts about me and my amusements. Live long and prosper! \\_//