Title: The A to Z of Demonology
Season: 3 - immediately after the episode Bad Day at Black Rock
Category: General, Action, Humour
Warnings: Sam ouchies...
Tagline: After dealing with the YED and the Seven Deadly Sins, the boys thought they were getting a handle on demons - but they’d never encountered anything quite like this before…
Total Word Count: 34,601
Total Chapters: 6
Chapter 4 Word Count: 5813
ziggyukStory Banner: Chasidern
Award Banner: hobbleit
Winner: SN.TV 2008 Awards - Best Humour Fanfiction (Tied with Concussed - And Loving It)
Uh-oh...looks like Dean's about to find out just how much damage one little demon can do...
Chapter 4 of 6