Fic: In Dreams I Walk With You 1/18

Mar 07, 2014 22:07

Title: In Dreams I Walk With You
Sequel to Class Dismissed - if ya haven’t read that one, ya not gunna understand this one...
Season: 3
Category: General, Action, AU
Warnings: Hint of a sex scene, some strong language
Tagline: What if the dream - wasn’t a dream? What do you do when dreams become a reality?
Total Word Count: 123,672
Total Chapters: 18
Chapter 1 Word Count: 4915
Beta: from Chapter 8 - ziggyuk
Story Banner: Chasidern
Inspired by a plot bunny thrown at me by Windyfontaine from SN.TV

So there I was, working away at other plot bunnies in the wake of Class Dismissed, when my good pal Windyfontaine emailed me and dropped the bombshell..."You know with the end of Class Dismissed, you've actually broken one of your three golden rules and written a death fic."

Of course, I gasped in sheer horror, fell off my chair, and clutched my head in dismay. And then she threw this little plot bunny at me...which I will reveal at the start of chapter 2, because I'm just really evil that way. Needless to say, this story is all her fault, and I told her so.

This is also the story which ended my solo flight, and got me a beta, due to a chance remark from a friend about chapter 7, which led me to sort of panic and go begging Ziggyuk for her help, whom I'd been chatting back and forth with since I posted Mind Games and she figured out my plot device. It took some fast talking...well, fast typing...but she finally agreed to be my beta reader, and now she's stuck with me - LOL. But it's been good. Very scary at first, because it's hard to willingly submit your work for criticism, and in the early days we were both very aware of not stepping on either's toes.

Now, though, she happily corrects me in red text, and 99.99% of the time, I go with what she's recommended because I trust her implicitly. But - I'm a terrible tweaker, so any and all mistakes are of course mine, because try as she might, Sarah just can't stop me from fiddling. It's a terrible habit.

And this is also the start of the stories being posted on Dreamwidth, because of the length of the chapters. I'll post the banner and blurb on here, but the chapter link should take you to the other site...if I've done it correctly. Fingers crossed. Might take me a while to work out the Previous and Next links, but give me some time to get used to all this too-ing and fro-ing, and I'm sure I'll get the hang of it eventually.

After all, I have lots of material to practice on.

Chapter 1

sam, ash, supernatural, dean, demons, bobby, ellen, livejournal, fanfic, in dreams i walk with you, au, school, class dismissed, author: mizpah

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