So I went out with frank yesterday. We gazed into each others eyes all night. But both of us made sure not to touch at all. It's ridiculous. What do you do when you both know how the other one feels about you? So near the end of the night he grabs my hand and then we are holding hands. A few minutes later we are kissing in the bar. And then jump to us getting to my car to leave. And jump to thirty minutes later with fogged up windows. Yeah right there in a well lit parking lot. I knew it would happen, and I wanted it to. But it really shouldn't have happened. Of my three relationships, two started out as secrets. Now I'm apparently going into another one. I don't know if I can handle that. Plus he's like a cute little puppy and I have a feeling this won't end nicely. I am very capable of breaking his heart. But now that the ball is rolling, how do I stop it when part of me really doesn't want it to?
He just has so much in common with Chris that I know I shouldn't date him. But I'm pretty sure that's what he wants. He thinks I'm an angel. Aigh.
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