Nov 21, 2010 23:55
It's been a while, yes - I know. Too much has happened in between now and the last post. Lots of tears shed and smiles shown. School is kablooey and work is now going to consume the better part of my days. Making a living is incredibly hard on a Home Depot pay check. It seems almost easier to be a criminal to make a living than spend my days slaving to the retail world. Don't get me wrong - I love my job, but let's face it; the pay isn't too rewarding. It always irks me seeing Snooky's chubby face on TV leaving me wondering why she makes more money than me when I have much more talent, brains, and beauty than she could ever pay to have. Cockiness? No. Confidence. Get some.
So, if you haven't seen or heard already, I am now girlfriend of Remy Locascio. Can't say that things are going smoothly, but it could be worse. We have lots of laughs and I make him giddy -- but he'll never show that side to his friends. It's always that way with boys. Always.