Go to bed!

Nov 06, 2009 21:48

I really should be asleep. What? Its only 9:45? Damn! I shoulda been asleep forever ago. Its friday night and all I want to do is go to bed. Thats the curse of working 16s on the weekends. I gotta be at work by 7 in the morning. but before that, drop Tony off at mom's, and before that I gotta get Nick off to work by 5am. So that sucks. But really, its ultimately worth it to just spend the whole week at the house.

Yeah, I didn't get into this round of nursing at the hospital. They said it wasn't personal, they just had 300+ applicants for 27 slots. That's pretty steep competition. I really don't care. Sure I want to get out of butt-wiping, but like I said. I'm really digging playing in the floor with my kid all day. who knows, maybe I will just down a bottle of fukitol and go straight for nurse practioner in a near suicide level course through either UT or ETSU. The future remains uncertain.

Tony is officially entering into toddler-hood. He's a year old now, wild as a mink but sweet as soda-pop... heh. Finally cut that damn tooth I've seen for months now. Boy are we having fun with that. Still needs a haircut, I keep putting it off. He's getting too big too fast! Ack! Jeanie had her baby the other night and holding little Rose makes me all gushy and want a little girl too. But I'm not crazy, not now, it hurt too much the pain is still real, I don't care how much drugs they gave me, birth hurt!

I'm also using the extra time I have to do some work on me. I want to be more like I was about 4 years ago. Remember, that one time I was skinny. I miss the nice clothes, I miss the energy, I miss actually liking most of what I saw in the mirror. So any tips are appreciated. I'm thinking of doing weight watchers, so if anyone has the materials I'd love you forever. I'm also going to get back into scrapbooking because I miss the artistic side of me. I've always had a craft of some sort until I graduated. I need to make things, other than babies lol.

Well, I suppose I'm off. I'm tired now, Tony is asleep in his bed instead of ours. The lunches are made for tomorrow and the clothes are laid out. I'm not taking a shower right now. blah.
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