Aug 06, 2009 00:08
its late so I'm just gonna do a quickie. We did some work in the house the fha appraiser wanted done in order for it to be approved cuz the seller refused. It was a risk but we did it. The appraiser has signed off on it and we're just waiting on the papers to come back from Nashville from FHA with the approval to close. They say its pretty much just a formality at this point and we should be able to close hopefully next week! Yayaya! time to start packing, woo!
Tony is walking now, well toddling about. He's not fully mastered it, he still spends plenty of time crashing onto his lil butt. But its soo cute. Those teeth are never coming in, I think he'll be toothless forever. He's learning to distinguish between mama and dada. Still doesn't really seem to care and likes to say it arbitrarily sometimes but he looks for whichever one we say.
I'm a CNA II at work now. payraise! responsibility! woo! I'm a trainer now and I have a trainee who seems to keep calling in. alas. Also next week is orientation for LPN classes through the hospital. Lookin forward to that too.
And I've finally decided to read Twilight. I'm not very far in as I have negative time to read and I'm kinda meh about it. I can't decide if I'm genuinely interested, its just some silly nonsense that give me some sense of amusement, or if its the most fantastic piece of crap writing ever and I can't look away, like a wreck on the interstate. We shall see.