& it’s off!

Jan 15, 2014 15:16

STONE’S THROE is off to Evil Hat, which means, barring edits on it and SHAMAN RISES (which are due Monday) I’m out of contract.

Normally this would be a terrifying time in a writer’s career, but I’ve got some irons in the fire; my Guildmaster Saga, the YA novels I’ve been working on, are being shopped around, and I’m looking at Patreon to do a MAGIC & MANNERS crowdfund. So those are cool things, and we’ll see how they go. Everything else is longer term (like, y’know, stuff I’m planning for February) and therefore not worth thinking about right now. :)

In the meantime, I’ve written 35K this month. Another measly 15K and it’ll be a Nano…

Tonight I intend to catch up on 2 episodes of Beauty and the Beast. I may also eat popcorn and ice cream. *nods seriously*

(x-posted from The Essential Kit)

stone's throe, writing, nanowrimo

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