o noes!
Swan River Press has surpassed
Last Days! O noes!
(Actually, Brian’s doing an amazing job of promotion. I am agog and impressed!)
Let’s see. Um. I had thoughts about thhings to blog, earlier today. they seem to have gone away. except I’ve become a convert to streaming TV, and we just watched the first episode of Jericho, which I’ve been meaning to watch for approximately ever. Five minutes in we’re like OMG IT’S ALEC FROM CONTINUUM! and Ted was all, “Thank God! Now we know how he fits into the Geek TV pantheon!”
The tumblr blog DC Women Kicking Ass
outlines my response to a JLA-movie-introduced-Wonder-Woman perfectly. I have said it before. I will say it again: if they do not make a kick-ass Wonder Woman film before they make a JLA movie, I will not go see the JLA movie. It will *kill* me. I *want* to be able to see it. But if they can’t get Wonder Woman off the ground first? Fuck. That. Noise.
Midsummer regatta at the North Pole, anyone? Good thing there’s no such thing as climate change.
(x-posted from
The Essential Kit)