So far I have made one amazingly successful batch of vanilla ice cream, a frozen chocolate mousse, and a crystalized lump of strawberry blah. This is *not* my usual kind of treat-making record, and I’m perturbed by it.
OTOH, I made
these chocolate chip meringue cookies with leftover egg whites, and *they* turned out amazingly. Meringue is supposed to be hard to make, but historically I have very little trouble with things that are hard to make (we shall not speak of the first angel food cake, particularly since I know perfectly well it went wrong because I hate folding and took the instructions as written too literally in the hopes that it would all turn out all right, though, well, no, of course it didn’t), and though I’d never made meringue cookies before they’re perfect. Unfortunately, meringue really ought to be eaten at the very least on the day it’s made and ideally within about two hours, and while I did my best, even I wasn’t able-or willing-to eat 2 dozen meringue cookies in 2 hours. (The recipe says it makes 12. I used 1 extra egg white, because that’s what I had, and had 24 very generous cookies. I cannot imagine how big they must be if you’re making only 12.) Anyway, perhaps I’ll bring the slightly soft and sticky meringue cookies to the butcher boys, since Ted forgot to bring them to work, and the only other option is to ditch them. Or eat them, but I’m trying not to do that.
Saturday night I went out for writerly cocktails with several friends, which was fun and gossipy, and because hey, how often do I get to go out for cocktails, I went so far as to put on a dress to do so. When Young Indiana saw me, he gasped, “Mommy! You’re a *beautiful princess*! That’s your *dancing dress*!”
Pretty sweet kid. :)
Here is the
daily link to the Last Days project. And to my friend Brian’s
Swan River Press project. :)
here is a very pretty painting of Gambit, for those of you who like that sort of thing. Hat tip to my friend E for the link. :)
(x-posted from
The Essential Kit)