Still not doing it…

Apr 03, 2013 22:36

I’m still not running any, but boy, I sure can think of a lot of Kickstarters that would be fun to do. :)

No: there are other projects that need finishing first. But even so. :)

Speaking of them, though, Judith Tarr’s second Kickstarter is in its last week, and is mere dollars away from the next goal. I have great hopes of a last-days surge putting it up to $10K, which would be SO COOL. Go go Kickstarting Judy!

And while I’m admiring Judy, she’s written a terrific article, Crowdfunding Enters Adolescence, and over here she’s interviewed about many things, including her new Kickstarter!

Oh! AWESOME KID alert! This 11 year old has been selected as an ‘ambassador’ to Australia in a person-to-person project, and is seeking crowdfunds to help cover the cost of going. She’s selling custom-designed t-shirts and other good stuff to raise other funds, so it’s not all about “send me because I’m cute!”, she’s really making an effort to find a variety of ways to defray the costs.

On a completely different topic, I’ve finished my offering for Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Wretch Day, coming up on April 23rd. I wouldn’t want to give anything away, but you might take a look at last year’s offering to whet your appetite…

A quick recent reads comment: having read the second Oz book, THE MARVELOUS LAND OF OZ, back to back with the first, I think that perhaps Oz palls quickly for an adult audience.

(x-posted from The Essential Kit)

recent reads, kickstarter, crowdfunding, books my friends wrote, pixel-stained technopeasant wretch

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