It’s still snowing. In fact, it snowed enough to stick a bit, so this morning I bundled us up and we went down to Glasnevin Cemetery to take pictures, ’cause I thought snow might be as good, maybe even better, than fog.
Well, it’s not, or at least not in these slight quantities, but I think Glasnevin’s real problem is that it’s too well-cared for to be really prime graveyard-photography territory. I prefer the going-to-seed look of a less-cared-for graveyard, for Moody Pictures. :)
Anyway, I got a handful of Kitsnaps, a couple nice snapshots (which I shall post behind the cut) and a bunch of cute pictures of a little boy making snow angels and footprints in the snow. :)
Before I cut for photos (one of which I’m going to deconstruct everything I did wrong on), I’m curious if people have a preference for the ‘matted’ versions of the pictures, or the ‘unmatted’ ones? If you like the matted ones, should they be 900px on a side, so the actual photograph is more of a size with the unmatted ones? Enquiring photographers want to know. :)
Just a blackbird. It’s not good enough in any way to consider it a Kitsnap, but it’s not *bad*, either, so here. Snapshot. :)
This is almost good enough to be a Kitsnap, and I’m vaguely annoyed that I can’t make it work. Here’s why I can’t:
1. The worst offender is that there’s not enough contrast between the background gravestone/flowers and the left-side flower; they blend into each other, even after I’ve mucked about with a burn tool a bit.
2. If I was a Real Photographer, I’d have been paying more attention to the dead leaves. I’d have stripped them away, and broken off the headless stem between the middle and right flowers.
3. The angles also bother me. Possibly they wouldn’t if the contrast was sufficient, but they’re not, so overall they bother me.
The really aggravating part is just after I took this, the sun burst through the clouds and I have another image of the same flowers in full sunlight, and although the colors are much poppier, it’s probably a worse photo in every regard. Very annoying. Although by that point I was dashing to stop Young Indiana from looting nearby gravestones, so I cut myself some slack on the poor composition of the next photo. :
(x-posted from
The Essential Kit)