
Mar 02, 2013 15:10

Last summer I bought a Spider-Man hoodie. I actually went in for a Captain America one, because I’d seen somebody wearing one and thought it was awesome beyond words, but they were sold out. (Oh look. Think Geek has one. *stares at it covetously*) Ahem. Anyway. But they had the Spidey one, and I’ve had a crush on Spider-Man since I was like three, so I got it.

Yesterday I went to a performance of the musical my sister has written, directed and produced (! how freaking awesome is that? how freaking awesome is SHE? Let me tell you: AMAZINGLY AWESOME! and it was SO GOOD!-but more on that later) and many people commented on the hoodie.

This is not unusual. People comment on it all the time. In fact, I got a FB message from a stranger who saw my profile picture, in which I was wearing the hoodie, and emailed because hey! he’d seen me in the city centre wearing that hoodie! So it kind of stands out. Children *love* it, and I will fairly regularly hear a gasp and a reverent (or shouted), “Mommy, it’s SPIDER-MAN!!!!” I have developed the habit of stopping and ‘throwing webs’ for them. :)

However, after the first three or four days of extreme self-consciousness while wearing it, I became accustomed to it myself, so I’m always slightly surprised when people comment. Yesterday, someone said to me, “I think you’re the only adult I know who could carry off wearing that.”

I suspect it’s more that I’m the only adult she knows who *would* carry off wearing it. :)

(x-posted from The Essential Kit)

cosplay, geeky, fanboy, make mine marvel, fandom

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