web design redux

Dec 28, 2012 13:16

Most of you will probably not care about this. :)

mizkit design stuff )

web design

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green_knight December 28 2012, 15:01:28 UTC
I know that people volunteer, and that's wonderful for you... but if you're using this as a career tool, and you expect to improve your income with it, please pay your designer, whoever you end up with. Or do something else for them.

Writers should not write for free. Web designers should not design for free. Yes, there are exceptions, but on the whole, I'd like a climate where people can make a living doing creative things... and that only works when we all are willing to pay for them.

(Nothing here looks like it is particularly complex, designwise, so this should be doable within your budget.)


bryant December 28 2012, 15:11:29 UTC
I can't speak for everyone who'd volunteer, but in my case I'd be offering because she's a close friend; I'm comfortable doing work for free for close friends. I tend to trust her not to take advantage of people, but I have the benefit of having known her a couple of decades. I can understand why someone who doesn't know her as well might make the wrong assumption.

Come to think of it, every time I've done a favor for her I've also wound up getting paid back one way or another, but that's mizkit for you.


knappenp December 28 2012, 15:28:27 UTC
I hate 'me too!' posts, but ... me too.


mizkit December 28 2012, 16:23:58 UTC
Okay, okay. Thank you all for having my back. :)

I'm sure green_knight didn't intend any offense. I suppose "people have volunteered but I don't know if this is within anybody's free skill set" could be interpreted "I don't intend to pay somebody if I can avoid it," though what I really meant was "If you're offering to work for free this may be beyond what you can easily do." I'm sure anybody who's been reading my blog as long as Green Knight has knows that it's not generally my style to expect something for nothing in creative endeavours. Or, I hope, in general...


bryant December 28 2012, 16:50:28 UTC
suricattus December 28 2012, 16:00:08 UTC
um, what part of "My budget is limited" did you miss? That doesn't mean "I'm not going to pay anyone for work being done" that means "I can't afford to pay much," and she goes on to acknowledge that she's probably not hitting the going rate, and fretting about it.

You may have meant well, but MY hackles went up at that, so I can only imagine how hurt Catie felt that you thought she'd take advantage of people. :-(


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