all the social activity!

Oct 21, 2012 08:27

In the past month I’ve had, and I’m really only barely exaggerating, as much social activity as I normally encounter in a year. First was DICE, the comic-con, then a weekend off, then Octocon, then this weekend our friends Alan and Colette were over for our other friends Brian and Shevy’s wedding. A&C came by and, er, well, helped me clean house on Frida, for which they were duly rewarded with gumbo and brownies, and for which I am eternally grateful. We can actually use our dining room table now. And we have more DVDs ripped than we did, and all the downstairs boxes are unpacked, and it’s just so much better there are almost no words for it. Sing praises unto them, because they are worthy of praise!

Then the wedding yesterday was wonderful and full of joy (and Ted and I left early, therefore missing what has been reported as the best mother-in-law speech of all time, and the best man’s blessing done in Klingon), and we saw a number of other friends whom we often only see at conventions. At one point the groom was overheard to say, “It *is* just like a convention, but with only all my favorite people!” (He got the funny line in the vows, too, after Shevy had given hers, and they were quite beautiful, and Brian said, “….I should’ve gone first.” *laughs*)

In a completely surreal moment, Brian practically *apologized* to me for not reading from any of *my* books when they were having the readings done about love, but from SF/F novels. “But,” he said, “I thought it might be a little weird to have quotes from an author who was actually in the audience, and besides, it would take too long to read the entirety of From Russia, With Love. And,” he said, “the real romance in that is between Janx and Daisani, anyway. They’re my ‘ship pair.” Which is true of everyone, of course, but now I’m tempted to write a story just for the newlyweds. :) Anyway, I assured him it hadn’t even occurred to me that he might consider using something from one of my books, which is utterly true, but still, how flattering of him to even imagine such a thing. :)

It was an absolutely lovely day. We had a wonderful time. And now after a month of socializing, I am *wiped out*. Oi!

(x-posted from the essential kit)

friends, best friends evar, getting out of the house

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