
Jun 25, 2012 08:34

Yesterday I went out in an (ultimately futile) attempt to find an e-book that didn’t make me angry. I failed*, but I found something much better: Batman patrolling the streetes of GothamDublin!

She was very clear on being Batman, not Batwoman or Batgirl (my friend Spidey says “Always be Batman,” which I gotta agree with), and she also did a quite credible Christian Bale Batman impression. She was saying, “My family is DEAD!” in this photo. :)

I’d caught a glimpse of her, and had thought her splendid, but I was going the other way, so didn’t stop to ask for a picture. Only then I heard someone say, “I just want to make people smile!” and I glanced over and it was her, and smile I did. She said, “See! I made that lady smile!”

I said, “You made this lady think you’re awesome, and she wonders if she can take a picture of you.” Batman said, “Of me or with me?” so I got a picture with Batman. :)

Apropos of nothing, a conversation with Ted a couple days ago, discussing the boy bands (The Wanted and Westlife) playing that night at Croke Park:

Me: Eh. None of them is really my type, even if The Wanted weren’t all twelve. Neither is anybody in Westlife, for that matter. Boy bands don’t usually have my type in them, I don’t think.

Ted: That’s because your type is in rock bands.

Me: …*no argument*

*Ted checked the battery on mine and now it all works again. Whew.

(x-posted from the essential kit)

e-readers, superheroes, ireland, cosplay, fanboy, god is a rock fan

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