small triumphs

Feb 17, 2010 22:34

I turned out to lack the enthusiasm to watch a movie (how is that even /possible/?) and have spent a while dorking around with Photoshop and working to convert a few more pictures into kitsnaps format. In so doing, I managed to finally find the right combination of PS tools to turn a couple of old photos into what I always thought they /should/ look like, or much closer to it, so behind the cut are two photographs from Athy, Ireland, in January 2006, immediately after I got my Nikon D50. :)

“Song Thrush at Sunrise”

“Golden Crosses”

Copies of “Golden Crosses” are available for sale (the bird file is too small for more than about a 4×6, which seems like a waste of time to sell), as always. $15 for a downloadable file, or, for a physical signed print, $45 for an 8×12, $60 for a 12×16 (+s&h).

(x-posted from the essential kit)

photography, kitsnaps

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