word wars ftw

Feb 14, 2010 18:35

I did a bunch of stuff this morning-made bread & cinnamon rolls, cleaned the kitchen, addressed & packed up all the Strongbox envelopes, sorted out my Book Closet a bit now that there are 20+ fewer books in it-and although I’d kind of intended to write today, by that time it was 2 and it didn’t seem very likely. So I pottered around a bit and then sort of went “well, what the hell, I’ll see if anybody’s in the war room, maybe I’ll get a little written…”

suricattus was there, we went to war immediately, and I ended up writing 2300 words and finishing my chapter, when I’d really figured there was no chance of getting work done today. So word wars and Laura Anne for the win. Very, *very* much appreciated.

95K down. Probably 10Kish left to go, and then some very hasty revisions before I submit it.

I had a moment just now of going “My God, how do I do this every time? How do I manage to put a hundred thousand words together to make a story, time after time after time? That’s INCREDIBLE!” *laughs*

ytd wordcount: 66,800
(x-posted from the essential kit)

surrender the manuscript, word wars

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